NASA Study Of Water Supply “Terrifying” As World’s Aquifers Empty

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We can go without food for relatively long periods of time, but we need water on a regular basis, or, put quite simply, we will die, which makes NASA’s latest data on the world’s water supply pretty chilling.

A rainbow forms over tourists visiting Iguazu Falls in Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, on March 15, 2015. The waterfalls, on the border of Argentina and Brazil, are part of the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world's major underground reserves of fresh water. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
A rainbow forms over tourists visiting Iguazu Falls in Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, on March 15, 2015. The waterfalls, on the border of Argentina and Brazil, are part of the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world’s major underground reserves of fresh water. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

Approximately 35% of the fresh water people all over the world use comes from huge underground aquifers, but these supplies are dwindling, with more water removed from 21 of the world’s largest 37 aquifers over a decade than has been replenished during that same period.

Thirteen aquifers are in serious distress. “The situation is quite critical,” head researcher Jay Famiglietti says. Beginning in 2003, NASA’s GRACE satellites identified underground aquifers by measuring Earth’s gravitational pull, taking note of where the heavier weight of water wielded a greater pull, then charted changes until 2013, theWashington Post reports.

Though the total capacity of the aquifers isn’t clear, the data shows some aquifers may be smaller than previously believed. The aquifer under the most stress in the US is California’s Central Valley Aquifer, tapped to irrigate farm fields.

“We know we’re taking more than we’re putting back in—how long do we have before we can’t do that anymore?” a researcher tells the Los Angeles Times. “We don’t know, but we keep pumping. Which to me is terrifying.” The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains Aquifer, across the southeast and Florida, is also depleting, the study finds.

Still, aquifers in poor, densely populated areas like northwest India, Pakistan, and North Africa, are in the worst shape. Researchers say the Arabian Aquifer, used by more than 60 million people, shows little to no sign of replenishment.

Aquifers take thousands of years to refill as it is. Famiglietti notes there’s an added problem in that people nearest the equator pump more water from aquifers to cope with dry conditions, but that water then evaporates and circulates far away to the north and south. “There’s not an infinite supply of water,” he concludes. “We need to get our heads together on how we manage groundwater, because we’re running out of it.”

According to NASA California will run out of water completely in about a year if something isn’t done.

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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8 years ago

This is all going to come to pass, and my fear is that it will reach critical limits in the lifetimes of my children and of course my grandchildren.

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