New Yorker Magazine, CNN Contributor Ryan Lizza Fired For You Know What

Another one bites the dust.  Ryan Lizza has joined Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and Mark Halperin on the list of big-name journalists who have recently lost their jobs after being accused of, what else, sexual misconduct.

The Dog Ate the Cookies

There are cookies missing from the cookie jar and your two year old has chocolate and crumbs all over his face. “The Dog Ate the cookies!”

Poverty and Degradation In Rural Alabama Shocks UN Investigator

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.

Happy Armageddon to You

So, Trump thinks we all should “go back” to saying “Merry Christmas.” He says Obama never said Merry Christmas. He’s wrong, of course, but he’s Trump, so…

Rage In the Age of Trump

I’ve been witnessing an increase in aggressive, even reckless driving, and from talking to others who drive the same roads, I’m not alone. The morning news reports that there has been a similar incidence of unruly, abusive and violent airline passengers as well. I’ve commented several times about the anger epidemic. Some agree, others don’t.

An Englishman Reflects on Jerusalem

To be honest most of my knowledge of Jerusalem comes from that hymn that warbles on about Jerusalem being built in England’s green and pleasant land which, clearly it isn’t or the Israelis and Palestinians wouldn’t be shouting “Mine! Mine!” quite so much.