“A bunch of stupid Atheists” revisited-Check out the Comments!

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atheists attack madmikesamerica, a bunch of atheists revisited

Why do we need more atheists?

The Christians are the Problem not the Atheists

Atheists rule: In light of the violence in our world and that which resulted in the deaths of four people and the wounding of many others, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by Jared Loughner, an anti-government Christian, we felt it important to revisit this earlier eye opening confrontation between an angry Christian and the executive director of Atheists of Florida.  It speaks to the hatred and intolerance that is all pervasive in the lives of some “Christians.”

We need to face the fact that Jihad, Holy War, is only slightly different from the war being waged right here in the United States, by the extreme Right wing Christian fanatics, and there are lots of them. One of their favorite targets: atheists.

Background: Ms. LaShawn Washington, a serious Jesus Jumper, originally wrote to Aytheists of Florida in November, 2009, after the billboard seen pictured below went up in Lakeland. Now she writes Rob Curry, the executive director of Atheists of Florida directly when she spots something in the news that set her off again. Here is the latest, prompted by the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Tampa on Monday, July 12, 2010.

We Will Pray Outside of Your Organization’s Headquarters

from: LaShawn Washington
to: Rob Curry
date: Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 11:22 AM


No longer will I or any other true follower of Jesus Christ allow a bunch of stupid atheists or agnostics, who represent only a tiny, miniscule fraction of our nation’s populace to dictate how, when, where, and in what manner I shall pray. You and the Atheists of Florida and of America are a bunch of fools (this is true) and are only kidding yourself if you think so.

We will pray outside of your organization’s headquarters, home, etc. and there is not going to be a single, solitary thing that you will be able to do about it. You can run to the courts with threats of lawsuits or even jail time, but that will not stop us either. I promise you that.

LaShawn W.

I Would Enjoy Meeting You and Your Friends

from: Rob Curry
to: LaShawn Washington
date: Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 9:37 PM

Hello, LaShawn!

I hope you’ve been well. I really enjoyed our exchange of thoughts by email last November, although it was somewhat disappointing that we never had a chance to meet in person.

In fact, you stated several times that we would meet soon, but you never followed through with those words. For this reason, based on the evidence of past experience, I have reached the conclusion that you are all talk and no action. I doubt that you have the commitment to follow through on what you are saying in this new email.

And that’s a real shame, LaShawn, because I would enjoy meeting you and your friends, even if you all came out to pray or engage in other religious rituals that are meaningful to you but meaningless to me. You would learn something unexpected if you visited with a group to pray outside the state headquarters for Atheists of Florida. You would learn that atheists are generous, caring, thoughtful and compassionate people who fully support your freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

So come on out! You have nothing to lose but your unfortunate prejudice and misdirected anger.


Rob Curry

Executive Director
Atheists of Florida, Inc.

You Don’t Know Who You Are Dealing With

from: LaShawn Washington
to: Rob Curry
date: Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 11:23 PM


Thanks for your very amusing E-Mail. I will keep it in my Bible, right next to Psalm 53:1 when I think of you. Whether you think me all talk and no action is of no importance to me because time will tell.

There was once an arrogant, little atheist and racist man who dared to speak to me with expletives and tried regularly to intimidate me with his hateful persistent stares. Initially that bothered me, until one day the Lord told me to take authority over the demonic spirit that was controlling that man, because what was in me was far greater than what was in him. I looked that man straight in the eyes and showed him who I was in Christ. I watched as this man turned as a pale as a ghost, became diaphoretic and began to shake and tremble uncontrollably. He died right then and there, probably from a heart attack. And he went straight to hell where he will wait to meet God — the One as you know is “all talk, and no existence.”

Rob, you really don’t know who you are dealing with, for if you did (and weren’t so stupid) you would be smart enough to be concerned.

LaShawn W.

Are You Planning to Pray Me to Death?

from: Rob Curry
to: LaShawn Washington
date: Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:43 AM

Hello, LaShawn!

You say I really don’t know who I’m dealing with, so tell me. Why should anyone be concerned by a person whose bitter mouth promises more than her empty faith can deliver?

Are you planning to pray me to death?

Last year, you referred to the Bible story of Elijah and the false prophets of Ba’al, claiming that we would very soon have such a moment. I looked forward to that; really I did. However, you never followed through, remember? You were all talk then, and you are all talk now.

Stop pretending that you will pray outside the Atheists of Florida state headquarters, LaShawn. We both know you won’t follow through. You have already created a reputation of making big promises that you fail to deliver, so I do not expect anything different from you this time around.

Too bad. I would have treated you to lunch.


Tip o’ the hat to Jake-Farr Wharton and Rob Curry

Thanks to Atheists everywhere!

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at Smerconish.com, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Bill Formby
1 year ago

This is no different from what I have come to expect from some Christians. Personally, I know of a number of Christians who would find her boast laughable. Christians have every right to their belief just as other faiths do. However, as Mike points out, there are some who are radicalized much like the Muslim population to hate and intolerance. As America continues to fall apart there will be, eventually, violence on all sides. As a movement, Atheists are calm, rational people but they must, and will, protect themselves and their right to exist. The Christian right has launched this nation on a downward spiral with its support of Donald Trump. The damage he has and is causing to the foundations of this republic may never recover. The irony of this being that Trump is far from anything a typical Christian would claim as righteous. They made a mockery of their entire faith by helping him to rise to power. He is a sexual assaultist by his own admission. Christians have crucified some their own for acts far less aggrievous than he has committed and yet they follow him like a lap dog. I can see no good outcome from their antics.

1 year ago

I remember this article. I am shocked, no not really. These nutjobs are still around. But hey we’ve got gay marriage they can complain about now so that’s a plus.

10 years ago

Atheist are like homosexual’s, Never satisfied. Satan sits at the heart of Atheism dealing out it’s dirt to blind, steal and destroy. Can man hold fire to his chest and not be burnt? Why believe fiery hate has wiped out God and now war to wipe out Christianity? Foolish puny hotheads.
Why be fired up with hate? What a worthless Savior like ashes in an eternal brimstone bed.
Atheist condemn my english like I should bow and kiss their nasty acts. I laugh at their fiery hate for one day such fire will be close to them forever where no-one laughs. I don’t think Atheist will like their eternal brimstone bed at all but if it’s their true love then let em go be with master hothead. They can’t blame me that I didn’t tell them not to play with fire.
I don’t hate people like these Atheist deceivers push people to believe but I sure hate their foolish ways that they repeat Biblical History to destroy Christianity that always failed and yet they attempt the impossible. Atheist head hardens up while we read, remember Sodom and Gomorrah. Homo’s, can’t hear either so your not alone. Homo’s will kiss you, that’s all you’ll end up with burning lust forever. What a shame…

Geemee is Gme
10 years ago

The Earth is much older than 6K years old. Even on your own theory the universe has not always existed. Life is all around us not by blind chance but of intelligent foresight, (Gen 1:1) (A Tuner). What is the chance of anyone throwing a firecracker up in the air that a man was miraclessly fell from the boom without someone first fine tuning to put man in the plan? All you can do is throw a fit in the air and give me the bird that blinding spirits pooped in your head first. I can’t stop a bird from flying overhead but it’s not going to nest in my head. Fit throwing and tantrum’s is your choice to blast out but waste is all I see without true life. To me this fit preaching stinks and I’ll never swallow it.
You’re in a false peace warring and preaching to have a Godless world which will never come to pass, (Col 3:13-17). (That’s a promise.) Right when it looks like Atheist static are about to succeed then all Smell will break out (1 Thes 5:3). I don’t hate you Michael, but death you preach because the limited mind can only wonder out so far away when the bridge is out ( Romans 3:23). There is life beyond the grave that is bridged with faith in God (Hebrews 11:6 ), that nothing else can fill this gap. (Matthew 7:14). Throwing fits and thundering tantrums only bridges to total torment (Proverbs 14:12).
Hell is real and I desire no-one to go there (Matthew 8:12). Satan has blinded your mind with hate to be empty of God in your life (2 Corinthians 4:4). Blowing things out of proportion is senseless and has no power to blow up either bridge.
Many false churches are out today including yours that are like static on a radio in what man has done (Galatians 1:6-9). There is one like frequency to be fine tuned in to hear the small still voice of God (I Kings 19:12). It’s what He has done that counts and a few that will find where to tune in (Matthew 7:14). Most people will not find this like frequency because of stubborn pride in what man can do or has done (Lev 26:19-29). Jesus even foretold this when He said man will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Now Atheist will say, Oh lucky guess or find some excuse that flatters blind chance.
Much is foretold in the Bible that much hate Christians must face which Atheist fulfills alot with great accuracy (1 Pet. 3:13-17). Cults like Mormon’s and Jehovah Witnesses has man-made god’s and with these obvious lies are foretold would happen which help to blind folks from the true Christian faith message that leads to life (Galatians 5). Then here comes the Atheist capitalizing on these imitator’s to add their own static to drown out the one true God. God is real and His Church is the body of Christ (Col. 1:24). In the end, The true God Wins (Rev 19:11-20:10), and when He Wins, True Christians Win.
Which Church is the true Church? It’s sure not your’s.

Geemee is Gme
10 years ago

Amazing how Atheist focus on the flaws in humans to feel superior that we should bow to their interlect as worthy to say there is no God. These are lovers of themselves as God’s Word foretold that we will experience today.
Atheist proves there is a God by their lifestyle that God said would come to past. God sure shows He see’s those who choose not to see Him.
Atheism preach not to see. When I look at the solar system. I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by blind chance, intelligent design tuned the universe.

Non Atheist Worshiper
10 years ago

Hey Atheist… I don’t care what ye call me. More important is what a former Atheist call you. Check it out.

Rekoj Eht
11 years ago

Wow, over two years of the same troll being fed by the same guy. That’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back. How did they not get as bored as I did? Same thing, over and over.

The pseudo-religious schizo word salad was kinda interesting, though.

James Smith
Reply to  Rekoj Eht
11 years ago

What are you saying? That some evil person forced you to read it? Or that it’s not OK to counter an arrogant, determinedly stupid religious reich moron?

Because this person is so amazingly stupid, it doesn’t take a lot of time to show him up and chase him off again. If you don’t like it, don;t read it. You don’t have to whine about it, either. It just makes you look as stupid as GME/GEE/whatever fake ID he uses next time.

11 years ago

You sure are full of excuses and poison aren’t ya little drunkard. I requested only one biblical prophecy from you that you declared false and you spewed out a bunch of some kind of vomit that some strange coot already chewed-up and threw-up on a page that I already seen before. You really should watch what you swallow. No wonder you’re so sick. YuK.
Since you can’t admit your a drunkard which is the first step of recovery then I’d be a fool to continue this discussion with a bottle of Rage upon your breath. You can’t focus to pull out one chewed-up prophecy then that’s proof enough that you sure can’t discuss one fairly.
I will leave you as I found you. A little drunkard that can’t hold solid food. Your so called friends are waiting for you. Byee

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

“Drunkard?” What evidence do you have for that? Oh wait, you don’t believe in evidence, do you? You need no proof to say anything, no matter how ludicrous.

I not only shown those prophecies to be false, I furnished evidence that they were false. Oops, there’s that evidence thing again. Another awkward moment for you?

I proved they were not true and with undeniable evidence. Yet you choose not to believe it? That’s more evidence that you are a fool, a liar, and a hypocrite.

I do not have to admit I am a drunkard because I am not. Where is your proof? BTW, it’s “you’re” not “your”. That’s more proof that you are not only a fool, but uneducated and apparently proud of being an ignorant asshole.

Yes, you’d be a fool to continue because I have shown you to be a willfully ignorant, stubbornly stupid, moron every time. But you are a fool, so I am confident you will not have enough sense to slink back into your sewer and hide from further confrontations. That confidence comes from my extended experience with you. You change your ID, never giving your real name, but your posts are so pathetically obvious that your changing IDs doesn’t help.

I gave you many failed, untrue prophecies. I am not surprised you have seen them before. Nor am I surprised that you made no attempt to dispute them. The proofs were undeniable, even for a delusional idiot like you.

You will not leave but I am as you found me. Far smarter, more honest and ethical than you will ever be.

See you next time, you stupid piece of shit.

11 years ago

I’ll start with the first question.

When have I said death is the only way to go?
Here’s one of many. Your last message. (Improve humanity jump in front of a bus.)
When have I said how smart I am?

Remember you said this? (The difference is, mine are intelligent and yours are stubbornly stupid.) That was just one of many how you brag and boast that you’re so much smarter. Play it again Sam.

Of course for self preservation you made this comment. (Fulfilling what biblical prophesies? Show me one that has been “fulfilled” and I’ll show you ten that are absolute lies.)

James show me one prophecy that you condemn as an absolute lie. I’m not interested in the other nine if you can’t really show one. Pick out your very best. Your so drunk with rage that I suggest you sober up first to keep the big bad beastly pink elephant away that’s such a hog. Don’t blame me for your rage. You chose to go that way before I slammed the pothole.

KJV in the Baptist background. DAV USAF Ret My life for life.
Name is Jimmie or Gme or Geeme Wife Missy Daughter 3 1/2 Reinna

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

You are not only stubbornly stupid, you are arrogant about it.

I was talking about your death being a service to humanity. Not death in general. For this time, it was all about you, just as you think it should be.

I said that, in comparison to you, I am intelligent, as are the tomatoes in my refrigerator. Being smarter than you is nothing to brag about.

You again evade the question. I asked you to show me a prophesy that was true, you decline to even try. To show how much more ethical I am than you (again, nothing to brag about) here are a few.

Genesis 26:4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Here God tells Isaac that his descendents (Hebrews) will be as numerous as the stars.  Considering the number of stars there are in the universe, that would have to be on the order of 1020 Jewish people.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Christians say that this verse is a prophecy of Jesus’ birth to a virgin.  There are a couple problems with this prophecy…First, virgin in this verse is a mistranslation of the Hebrew word “almah”, which actually means “young woman”.  A young woman is not necessarily a virgin.  “Bethulah” would have been the correct word to use if the author meant virgin.  Second, nowhere in the New Testament is Jesus referred to as Immanuel.

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Damascus is still inhabited today with over a million people, and hardly a ruinous heap.

Isaiah 19:4-5 And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts. And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.
The river mentioned here is the Nile.  The Nile is still one of Egypt’s greatest natural resource.

Isaiah 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.
The Canaanite language has never been spoken in Egypt, and is now an extinct.

Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.
There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem even today.

Ezekiel 29:10-11 Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia.  No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years.
Never in its long history has Egypt ever been uninhabited for forty years.

Amos 9:15 And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.
Many times, Jews have been pulled up out of their land.  The ownership of their land is still being fought for.

Unlike a lying fool like you, I back up what I say with facts.

I am “drunk with rage?” That’s another lie you’re telling to evade answering direct questions or providing any proof of a single thing you say. I don’t blame you for something I don’t feel. I only feel disdain and contempt for you as I do for anyone so determinedly dumb.

What makes you think I care about your alleged wife and daughter? You lie so much I couldn’t believe that anyway. YOu are a cowardly piece of human excrement that refuses to answer questions, provide proof of anything, or even examine the proofs I provide.

Yes, the world would be a better, more intelligent and ethical place without you in it.

Show some proof of anything. That you are not a total liar and idiot would make a good start. Many times I have demanded proof of any god and you have never provided that. What are you afraid of? Looking even more stupid than you do now? I doubt that is possible.

11 years ago

Ahhhh Play it again Sam…
Later tomorrow. Play it again Sam…

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

Endlessly repeating nonsense phrases; that’s how you became brainwashed by religion. So much so that now you have no brain at all. Thank you for proving all of my points. Including that you’re a goddamned (literally) idiot with no mental or moral courage.

As I said, you never answered a single question, evade anything resembling a rational debate, and babble like the intellectual cripple you are. You’re a wonderful example of the evil of religino. Ot has turned what might have been a rational, useful human being into a disgusting piece of trash that is a waste of space in the ecosystem.

11 years ago

I’m not here to listen to a bunch of conceited roosters crow, nor am I here to listen to you preach how death is the only way to go. I’m not here to stay in your pigs pen where you laugh to show off how crippled I am. I rather be crippled with love than to be whole with hate. I put up with this noise to see a fulfillment.
I’m human and I do grow weak. When I first saw how you all bragged and boast how smart you are, well… with such admirations for yourself you were fulfilling biblical prophecy how man will become and my faith became renewed and strengthened.
Play it again Sam…
Play it again

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

You are here to show off how stupid you are. At that, you’re succeeding admirably.

When have I said death is the only way to go? Although in your case, it does seem like a good idea. It would raise the average intellectual and ethical level of the entire human race.

When have I said how smart I am? I have only pointed out that, compared to you, I have a doorknob that is smarter.

Fulfilling what biblical prophesies? Show me one that has been “fulfilled” and I’ll show you ten that are absolute lies.

Your faith has been renewed? You mean your determination to stay stubbornly stupid and willfully ignorant has been bolstered? For you, that is much better than admitting the truth. The truth is, you’re a delusional moron with no courage, no facts, and not enough nerve to examine the facts. DO the world a favor. Improve humanity jump in front of a bus. Then you’ll see, too late, that I have been right and you have been a fool.

11 years ago

You made a comment, “I would change my position if I had the proof.” That’s a lie out of Hell because since you can’t discern when to head for higher ground then neither will you believe if something is dug up from the dead.

Like I said, you’re not very smart as you exalt yourself to be. It’s alright if you want to be named stupid. A little ludicrousness but it is your life.

It’s been a nightmare as I slid in your mud-hole.

Sorry I can’t stick around.
Time to head for higher ground.

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

First, there is no hell, that’s a lie told by theists to use as another of the never-ending threats you make to frighten the gullible into accepting your nonsense.

Next, how is it a lie? You are only evading the issue again (as usual) so you won’t have to provide the proof you do not have.

You are an arrogantly stupid piece of cowardly shit. You have never accepted a simple challenge, you have never answered a single question, and now you are going to run and hide like the worthless asshole you are.

I have made you run every time under every fake ID you have used here. Do you enjoy being shown up as a lying piece of human trash? You must because you keep coming back for more. I freely admit that I do enjoy showing you to be what a moronic pathetic prevaricator you are. The only disappointment is that you make it so easy. You really do it to yourself. Why don’t you use your real name, as I do. Why don’t you put your proofs out for all to see as I do on http://www.photobucket.com/slrman ? Are you afraid that someone that knows you might see your posts and laugh at what a feeble-minded liar you are? So many are laughing at you here, what would be one or two more?

11 years ago

My faith James in God is greater than the intellect of man. I don’t use fancy words to your liking because intellect is second base to me, faith in God is first base. You’re so out of touch with reality that I wonder if you believe you exsist or your convinced that you’re just a big pile of molecules.
Was that YOU that chose to say bad words or just brain chemistry? Molecules can’t decide between good output and bad output, between logic and illogic, between right and wrong. Everything about YOU tells YOU that YOU exist! There is more to YOU than molecules. And once YOU admit that YOU exist, it’s easy to figure out that God exists.
See a building over yonder where you’re at? Do you know who the architect was that designed and built it? . . . Neither do I, but there is NO doubt in your mind or mine that someone with intelligence and skill built that building. Time, physics, and chance don’t put structures like that together. Time, physics, and chance tear down structures.
With all that said how can I bring you proof of God when proof is all around? Every cell in your body is far more complex than a supercomputer. Time, physics, and chance don’t put cells together. Time, physics, and chance do all they can to tear our bodies down.

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

Our faith is certainly greater than your intellect. But that wouldn’t take a lot of faith.

I am out of touch with reality? You’re the idiot that believes in an impossible deity and cannot provide even the least shred of proof of anything, except your own delusional failings. AS a matter of fact, we are both a huge pile of molecules. The difference is, mine are intelligent and yours are stubbornly stupid. I know that your molecules cannot discriminate between truth and fiction, right and wrong, but please do not project your personal failings upon others. The fact that I exist as an intelligent, thinking being does not prove god anymore than the fact that you are a determinedly dumb excuse for a rational person proves there is not.

What bad words? That’s just your brainwashed ignorance at work. But I don’t expect anything rational from you. YOu rejected truth and logic along with rational thinking when you accepted religion as being real.

You use the same old, tired arguments that I have been hearing from the religious reich for 50 years. They are just as stupid now as they were then. “The proof of god is all around me?” What utter bullshit. What you are saying is, you have no respectable answer, so you spout the same ridiculous nonsense that you have heard and choose to believe.

Time physics and natural selection have made both of us what we are today. They have made me a rational being and you a delusional goddamned fool. YOu are also an intellectual and ethical coward. As always, you have evaded my direct questions and tried to lecture me with your biblical bullshit.

As I have said many times, if presented with undeniable proof of anything, I would change my position. What would it take for you to change yours? You ignored that question, too. You ignore anything that you cannot answer but continue to show your intellectual ass with every post.

11 years ago

I see James that you love the clutch of cursing for support to stand against storms. I had no idea that you’ld panic so from the fear of heigths. I see now why you have to use this clutch to stay put where you’re at. Enjoy the beach, beach, beach.

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t think you were so stupid that you would not understand a pun, especially when it is pointed out to you.

FYI, cursing isn’t a sin. Nor is taking the name of a non-existent deity in vain. Those are silly rules made up by theists who want to control everything other people think, do, and say. There is only one true sin, hurting another person unnecessarily. Everything else is made up nonsense, just like your religion.

What storms? A few posts of ignorant BS from a theist moron? (a redundancy, I know) You can’t even respond with evasions that are half-way rational.

What fear of heights? You inject completely nonsensical statements to avoid having to answer my challenges. Prove your god exists. Prove anything I have said is not true.

BTW, You mean “crutch” not “clutch.” But I would not expect you to know what word you want. Your main concern is trying to slither away from simple questions without making yourself look even more ignorant. It isn’t working, your slithering is showing even more lack of education and the ability to think rationally.

Tell me, do you have a a form of mental masochism that gives you a cheap thrill from debasing yourself by showing your ignorance in public?

Like so many theists, you post complete idiocies and think you have accomplished something useful. What you have done by evading direct questions is to demonstrate that you’re an intellectual and ethical coward. But that’s an accurate description of most theists.

11 years ago

James Smith, Joseph Smith. Moron and Mormon, both don’t believe that the true God exists. One has created their own god, the other has death as god. Eternity’s outcome is by their choice. That’s not a threat preacher, that’s a promise. Why do Smith’s think we should bow to them and get beated in the end?

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

You’re a goddamned (pun intended) liar. YOu ignore direct questions and challenges to reveal yourself to be an intellectual and ethical coward.

Prove your god exists. Prove anything I have posted is not true.

FYI, you cowardly moron, Smith is a common name. For you to try to tie people together on that basis is just as stupid as your religion.

What evidence do you have that I have “death as a god?” That’s just another lie from a pathological liar.

BTW< it's "beaten" not "beated". You are beaten and not in the end but right now be exposing your own stubborn stupidity and unwillingness to offer evidence, but only to lecture.

Again, prove any of your assertions are true or prove anything I have said is not true. If you can do neither, slink back to your sewer and STFU.

11 years ago

CNN reported that after a giant tsunami in Southeast Asia killed multitudes, authorities could hardly find any animals that died in the flooding. They surmised that the animals had some sort of intelligence that caused them to move to higher ground when the tsunami-causing earthquake struck. It was human beings who stayed on the beach to take pictures of the wave as it approached.

You magnify different storms and picture to us the sheer power of it all. I can see you bloating with one storm how much you know about atmospheric discharges. A day will come with the swallowing final lock, storm in where you chose to spend eternity. Your own pride will only allow you to stay put. Only God can free you.

To find God yourself takes a whole heart. A broken one also if He gets all the pieces. But you got to open the door yourself. Puny man, I don’t think you’re half as strong and smart as you picture yourself to be. It takes humbling to find God. Finding God through me is not the way.

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

You have made another nonsensical comment from an arrogant theist.

Instead of presenting rational proof of anything, you make comments that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

I challenged you to prove anything I posted was not true. But you know you cannot do that, so you lecture instead of debating. That’s a cowardly way of evading truth. But I do not expect intellectual or ethical honesty from a theist.

Then you end with the usual threat of heavenly retribution. are your beliefs so weak and misguided that the only way you can “prove” them is with threats and dire warnings of vague, unsubstantiated bullshit?

There is no god. Show some proof of your idiotic claims. Finding truth only takes half of human intelligence. Too bad that you don’t have that much. You have to open your mind to the facts. Instead, you embrace stubborn stupidity and willful ignorance. That has condemned you to a life spent chasing a lie.

11 years ago

No King Jesus. Time will tell King Stupid.

James Smith
Reply to  Gme
11 years ago

Time has already told. I’m sorry that you’re too stubbornly stupid to see that.

Prove one thing I say is not true. If you can’t, show some intellectual and ethical character and admit that you cannot and that you’re wrong.

I have many more proofs of what I say, but I suspect you do not want to see them. You would much rather remain willfully ignorant.

11 years ago

Every Christian here has forgotten that Jesus was a teacher who talked, with respect, to everyone no matter who they were or what they believed. How dare some of you call yourself CHRISTians. You are acting more like Romans and Pharises. How very sad for Christ’s Word on Earth. How very, very sad.

I don’t believe in hate, and the anti-Christ ‘right’ wing Republican Conservatives are against the word of Christ. One only has to actually read the New Testament and understand where Jesus is talking as opposed to where say, Paul is talking, to know that no where does Jesus or God condemn homosexuality. But they condemn greed quite frequently.

James Smith
Reply to  Rita
11 years ago

All well and good, Rita and a nice attitude on your part, too. What is more relevant is that there is no proof whatever that any jesus ever existed. There is plenty of proof that the character was “borrowed” from earlier myths. For example:

As stated by Dr. Bart Ehrman, Professor of religious studies at the University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill, NC said, “In the entire first Christian century, Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or Roman scholar, politician, philosopher, or poet. His name never appears in a single inscription, and it is never found in a single piece of private correspondence. Zero! Zip references!”

So given that it’s all a hoax, it is all irrelevant.

12 years ago

I long for the day when religion is treated like sex,It is only engaged in by consenting adults,it is done in private and never talked about in polite company.Anything less is crude and barbaric.

12 years ago

Ahhh I think you all missed me with my nat-ful messages. Seems like a screen is up to block my messages so I got through the screen by using different names that I could be here.

This is Gee, Hi and Lo, Reborn to warn and more. What’s important is the message of life not the name. You all have different names for me like Troll, butthole and more yet the message of death stays the same from you. You all dish it out but you can’t take it.

Atheist chokes on a nat and swallows much poop from some old Buzzards. I rather swallow a pesky nat with a buzz than buzzard poop any day.

Atheist are empty of life and lonely at death. They are limited and prisoned with boundaries of the flesh and depise those who are free to go beyond. Keys rain with life while poop thunders to stay
locked away. So curse, blow-up and stomp. I understand your limits.

12 years ago

Also, for those who haven’t been observing, Reborn to Warn, Gee, and Downer are identical.

12 years ago

Soooo, how’s everyone doing? EMAIL BOMB.

Hail Satan.

12 years ago

Thank you for any other excellent article. The place else could anyone get that kind of information in such an ideal approach of writing? I’ve a presentation subsequent week, and I am on the search for such information.

12 years ago

The Christians are the Problem not the Atheists is what we preach here. You
might call us stupid for preaching our faith in death only but that’s our
choice. We love to hate and bully anyone who gets in our way.
We love especially ourselves 1st and cut you up with hard words that you bow and
worship death as we the brave Atheist do.
We love Homosexuals, Terrorist and abortionist who brings death to marriage,
the USA, Christianity and unborn babies. Yummy Death is the way to go. Glory to
Join us you dogs who smells something dead against life. It is something to
be dead against all those who favor marriage belonging to one man and one woman
and the aborted.
God doesn’t exist in our hearts but we are full of ourselves and like the
Homo’s we’re not a bit ashamed to parade down our streets to be a big
We’re sick of people whining like baby against Atheist, Homo’s, Terrorist and
Abortionist cut-up ways.
Here we have hard sharp words that we’ll cut you to pieces to fall into the
dumpster of Atheism where there’s no hope above what we give. To go down and
never up. If you think your above us then we’re here to cut you down. Many
babies are not a big cut-up and will never be here trusting in Jesus, but we have our hard sharp words waiting and that’s what matters.

Dave Wren
12 years ago

I just looked at the date of this post. Shit some people never give up, like you Pat, whose head is apparently up his ass, because like saner commenters have mentioned, Jesus was a warmonger.

Pat Dailey
12 years ago

last time I checked atheists have killed more people than Christians. Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot have killed more than 150 million. That was only in the 20th century.

Reply to  Pat Dailey
12 years ago

The majority of historical slayers have borne God’s shield. If you are arguing that the fewer ruthless atheists were nonetheless more efficient, then I am inclined to agree, as atheists tend to be more logical.

Hi + Lo
12 years ago

Another Scoop

What kind of crap is this,
the ole Hen Cackles.
Her pecker full of poop,
and snorts to tackle.

An Atheist Hawk flies overhead,
and thunders much poop.
Many would not put up with this crap,
but she hunkers to this kook.

Well talent I don’t see,
must all be a mistake.
What I have is great,
the bird,a Hawk with tummyache.

Beyond poop there is life,
that is Past-ur-eyes.
Where Poop flies can’t go,
from these darken earthly skies.

Hi + Lo
12 years ago

Poop Scoop

I see a spec as the Atheist fly,
Only poop they value high.
They look down upon life and take aim,
and curse to stink our nation to shame.

Listen and you will hear this Hawk’s cry,
Me, Myself and I flies high in the sky.
All others are only Cesspools,
full of dung and a heart that drools.

Life to them is a big mistake,
as they look through their eyes of hate.
Their love is thundering poop bath,
while they sit back and laugh.

I might not be able to stop
these birds from flying overhead.
but I will never let this poop
nest in my head.

Reply to  Hi + Lo
12 years ago

What a bunch of crap this is. If you think you’ve got talent you are sorely mistaken.

12 years ago

As a more tolerant than average believer myself, I find intolerant believers especially offensive. We (believers) need to remember that religion is like a penis. It’s okay to have one, it’s okay to be proud of it. But please, don’t go shoving it in other people’s faces, and do NOT try to shove it down their childrens’ throats.

Reply to  Doc
12 years ago

Um, amen?

Hehehe. Doc, as a former anti-religionist, it’s because of people like you, and the countless devout Christians who fight to uphold the wall of separation and to keep the science classes secular that made me see how wrong it was to hold everyone in a group accountable for radical nutbags that scream louder, and thus are noticed more readily.

Once in a while, I still come across otherwise very reasonable believers ( like my in-laws) who just can’t quite come to terms with the idea that someone can reject faith, and not be morally adrift. But they’re learning.

Reply to  Doc
12 years ago

Well said. That’s me in a nut shell (bag) so to speak.

Bud Quinlan
12 years ago

An updated version of Psalm XXIII:

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want
him for long.


That sums it up for me.

12 years ago

I knew Gee would have to get in one last comment, no mater how incredibly stupid it was. Assholes like him are never happy unless they have the last word. So let’s all wait and see what else he comes up with.

I guarantee you that, just when you think he has hit bottom in ignorance and mental deficiency, he’ll prove you wrong by demonstrating that he can be a LOT more stupid than that.

LMAO at this moronic fool.

12 years ago

Aw Gee… I like that.
You have no choice but to leave because I have Static Guard on my Spiritual clothing. Psssst Byeee

12 years ago

Gee, James.
There is only one way to God and that’s through Jesus. He is this narrow way. So narrow that you are too big to see it you’ll miss it and then blame God doesn’t exist to satisfy your explanation.

God is not far but you closed the door to your heart that He is hidden and no-one can open it but you. To admit that you are lost because of you own bigness is hard to do. To humble and ask forgiveness takes an enormous strenght because you’re fighting against the Flesh, the World and the Devil.

Narrow is the Way and broad is the road that leads to destruction. Consumed with the cares of much static of the Flesh, the World and the Devil drowns so much out that is a good frequency. This is your beginning of why you can’t hear that small still voice that’s out of this world. Ever notice as I mention the name of Jesus how growls in your heart and life increases with noise to destroy?

Have you wondered why so much fake religion noise is out there? Ever wondered the noise of some money seeking preachers on TV is out there? The noise of cults? The noise of Terrorist? Ever thought the noise is turned up for a reason?

So behind your heart door number one is proof galore of God spiritually, not physically. Physically is flesh which is a dead end. God is not flesh but Spirit.

Jesus can pull you out to save for the asking but a great noise breathing down your back to not touch the door will scream at you. This is normal and will determined if your really serious about tuning in to God or stay on static.

Nothing is being forced on you to touch the knob. You demanded your own way proof of God in the physically realm but no man can see God in the flesh. I can only point to the knob of life spiritually that the noise of the flesh, the world and the Devil might be turned from. It’s up to you which you choose to hear the noise only or that small still voice.

So why blame and give me static to open the door when it is your heart and life to tune in what you like? I’m here to expose the static for what it is that you have a clear sound of truth to choose what’s more a fairer selection to make. Crazy? You try to tell a deaf person a radio works, not easy till that person excepts to touch the good vibrations that carries a different tune.

If you give me a bunch of static I will only tune you out and stay tuned in faith as Twisted B declared I would. You told Twisted B to stop giving you static. Why may I ask?

Reply to  Gee
12 years ago

Aw Gee, (couldn’t resist that one) you are such a mental masochist. You love being made to look like the total ignoramus you are. You know I ma always happy to oblige. But atheists are like that, if we can do something so easily that makes someone else so happy, we are always willing to help.

Back to the same old questions. What is your proof that jebus ever existed. I have given plenty that he did not? But you are free to believe in any insanity you choose, no matter how great the evidence against it. But give us a tiny bit of proof, OK?

God does not exist. I have asked you many times to furnish proof of that, too. But you are too cowardly and stupid to even make up a good lie, much less provide verifiable proof. So again, what is your proof of any god?

Humble? That is one thing you are not. You are arrogant in your stupidity and stupid in trying to force your sick, evil beliefs on people that are obviously smarter and far more rational that you can ever hope to be. There is not door, no god and I demand that you either prove there is or admit you are a failure as a theist and a human being.

You know what? I am finally tired of your horse shit. I am not going to reply to you ever again. You are so amazingly stupid I am surprised that you can feed yourself. I am sick of your ignorant preaching and cowardly evasion of every issue and question. YOu don’t want honest debate, you only wish to force your mental illness on others.

So here’s something you can understand: Yes, I do despise your religion. Personally, you are a perfect example of everything that is wrong with religion. You are obstinately ignorant, arrogant, and cowardly when it comes to giving personal evidence. When I write my book, you will be the one I hold up as the paragon of evil christianity. Even people like Pat Robinson and Harold Camping are more acceptable than you. At least they have the obvious goal of personal gain to account for their actions. You just enjoy being an obnoxious asshole.

12 years ago

For God’s sake (and I use this word advisedly) would you two cease and desist. I’m sick and tired of the endless repitition of logic and dross.
Reborn to Warn: Sod off, I (and most of the people who read and post here) don’t really care if we’re reborn or no.

James Smith: Never mind how good your intentions, you’ll never win trying to argue with Reborn to warn or any of his many manifestations, as they don’t use logic, but faith, which does not accept any rational argument. You’ll never convince him, and you’re really getting on my tits with your repeated attempts.
As we used to say in Scotland:
Gies us a break Jimmy, and hauld yer wheesht.

Reply to  twistedscottishbastard
12 years ago

Your solution is easy. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. As far as I know, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read, are they?

Please do not tell others what to do. That is dangerously close to the theist insistence upon everyone doing as they say. We atheists mostly prefer a free society where everyone can believe and do as they please as long as they do not harm others or try to force their beliefs upon them.

If you had really been reading my posts, you would have noted that I have not the slightest hope or intention of doing anything but helping this poor, mentally-challenged moron demonstrate what a liar and fool he is.

Again, if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Do you have some inner masochistic impulse that forces you to read bad novels, watch terrible TV, and attend miserable movies?

Give me a break and allow me the amusement of verbally deconstructing idiots. You don’t have to read it. Really, you don’t.

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Proof, proof, proof… You are not interested in proof. All you’re interested in is to be a Saviour of the world. You deny this to me while it’s known that Atheist blames Christians as the reason for wars. To eliminate them would bring peace to the world. This movement is to advance Atheist as the Saviour of the world with peace. Are you that severely brainwashed not to notice this deceitfulness? This foretold sickness exists that you squirm away from it.

You haven’t really demonstrated anything but your delusion to be accepted as Saviour. You squirm like a rattlesnake and can’t understand why I don’t panic from the rattle of your mouth. You rattle proof, proof, proof while I just step over that you call running from your venomous mouth as I keep following true peace.

Your so ignorant to think that I could bring you God that fits under a microscope. This impossible task must give you some sense of power that went to your head to strike failure in the Christian hearts. Your always after to stop the heart that is life.

I resist your sick rattle to go another direction. Every message you send rattles on and on. I laugh at your sick poison to be Saviour. I gag at your fangs that drool disbelief in God with every word you breathe. You will choke on your own poison and never be a replacement for peace.

Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Lie, lie, lie. That’s all you ever do. You know I am right and you do not, nor ever will have, any proof of the existence of any god. Rather than being a decent, responsible human being, you continue to deny, delay, distract, and pretend that you are a rational, thinking person.

I am far from brainwashed, even though evil people like you have attempted to do so all my life. Luckily for me, I learned to think for myself and accept the evidence of my senses and the verifiable proofs provided by people far more intelligent than you.

Tell me, when have I said I wanted to be a savior to the world? That’s another invention of your diseased mind. I don’t even want to save you. I only want to amuse myself by continually demonstrating what an idiot you are. Thank you for continuing to provide the fodder, pathetic as it is, for me to do that.

You do panic from my statements or you would not squirm away from answering simple questions. Your own poor attempts at evasions and denials show that you are no more than an ostentatious prevaricator with poor language skills. Ignorance is curable and forgivable. Willful ignorance, such as you exhibit, is not. Being stubbornly stupid only demonstrates that you prefer intolerance and hate to being a responsible, decent, human being.

You are saying that christians have not started wars? Are you saying the crusades didn’t happen? That Hitler didn’t exist? He was a christian you know, and used that faith as justification for his evils.

Are you saying that the inquisition, witch burnings, bombings, and murders in the name of christianity didn’t happen? Are you saying people are not being deceived into ruining their lives by opportunistic con men like Harold Camping, who made millions just this year by conning the gullible into sending him cash, and losing all they had for believing his lies? It’s hard to accept that even a mental defective like you could be that deluded, but perhaps you are.

For certain, I know you will not answer any of these questions either. I only ask to have another opportunity to show others what a cowardly moron you are. At least you never disappoint. If I wanted to present myself as a prophet, I would have a 100% success record with you. But that is too easy. You are nothing if not consistent. You always lie, you never reply to direct questions, and you always try to force your sick, evil religion upon everyone by your constant preaching while ducking the true issues.

Yes, you step over my requests for proof of your delusions. We all know why you do that. It’s because you have no proof and you are a demented, arrogant fool that cannot adequately demonstrate anything but the truth of that.

I am going to put this in a way that even your addle-pated head can understand: I’ll type slowly so even you can follow along. T h e r e i s n o g o d. S h o w us o n e
t i n y b i t o f e v i d e n c e t h e r e i s.

Or you can just slink away like the lying piece of fecal excrement you so obviously are.

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Once your life goes kapooie then you will have your dream come true of no more religions.
You spent your life cursing and growling in hopes that you will get some trophy of being a part to save the world. Your just another false savior that is foretold would come with a saving message that will go kapooie. That’s why I’m not discouraged with your slop to save the world or writting a book because by action you are fulfilling what God’s Word declared would come to pass. How exciting!
Does all of this make you sick that you can’t be saviour? You couldn’t save a fly James. That’s probably why since you can’t be saviour then nobody else deserves to be saviour and you fight to destroy JesUSAves.
You are totally obsessed to do the impossible. Your very action points to God when you thought you was pointing to yourself. No wonder you look to death to cover you up permanently that you won’t have to face family who has to face this great shame of falsehood.

Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Oh you poor, deluded, ignorant fool. As always, you try to distract from the fact that you never reply to my direct challenges.

You make assumptions about me that are really just a reflections of your feelings about yourself. What has happened to make you hate yourself so much? Could it be that, deep inside, you know you have been wrong about your beliefs and that you have wasted your life on them?

I am no savior, nor do I want to be. By the way, it’s “you’re”, not “your”. You seem to be incapable of learning basic English. Is that part of being willfully stupid about religion? Must it affect all other areas of your life? Maybe it’s just being basically uneducated and unwilling to learn?

“Foretold”? Is that another of your phony biblical prophecies? The page I quoted above destroyed those, too. But you ignored that part by focusing on a questionable spelling error. Again, the distractions don’t work with me. I know that’s mean and unfair of me not to fall for the same old deny, delay, distract things that have worked in the past. But that’s what happens when you deal with rational people. Are we cruel because we keep pointing out that you are not answering the questions and that the silliness you spout is nonsense? Yep, atheists are really bad people. We insist upon the truth and do not settle for prevarications or dissembling. Sorry about that.

The only death I look forward to is yours. That will make the world a better place. I’ll even attend your funeral to have something to smile about for weeks.

Atheists know this life is all we have so it is far more precious to us and important that we live every day being the best people we can be. We help others not for any heavenly reward but because it’s the right thing to do.

Jesus does not save, There never was a jesus and I have demonstrated that several times. I have also asked you to prove I am wrong but you dodge that like every other thing that you know you cannot answer. Is it any wonder I have shown you to be a mental. moral, and physical coward? Those are simply facts. I know you don’t like them, but they are still facts. Maybe if you showed some character and actually answered my direct questions, I would have some respect for you. As it is, you are scum and a stain upon the human race.

I will never have to face a god because none exist. Where is your proof? Where is your proof? Where is your proof? Understand that? I want proof. What an moron you are.

Understand this. There is no god. I have asked you many times to prove there is and you always ignore the question. Maybe that is more proof that, deep inside, you know I am right? So you have to evade the question.

12 years ago

First, it’s “whether”, not “weather”. The latter refers to atmospheric conditions like rain. But ignorance is rampant in your posts, so no surprises there.

Finally, you are right about something! “because when one is wrong then all is wrong.” That is why your bible is a total fabrication and only a deluded fool would believe even one word of it. I am not surprised you would ignore all the facts I have supplied and focus upon what , in your opinion only, is a misspelling. I cover your grammatical errors only as an aside but focus upon your errors of fact. You ignore facts and focus upon the trivia. But then, the facts favor me and not you, so what else can you do?

YOu give quotations that are meaningless. The things I quoted ate examples of prophesies that were either wrong or so general as to be meaningless. You fail to dispute any of that, as always.

Tell you what. Answer the questions you moron! Even other theists are dissing you for being a horrible example of a human being and a disgrace to your religion.

A, I angry? No, I am disgusted with you. You are a a coward that is terrified to engage in an honest discussion. The opinions your fellow theists are expressing of you should tell even you that you are a horrible example of what religion does to someone. But you are too arrogant about your ignorance to see that.

What I would like to destroy is all religion as it is the most destructive thing in human history.

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

James, the Antichrist you have with you is going to get upset with you.
I once said I’d never bother you again but I see I was in error for I bother you weather I’m here or there. Thank you for being concerned that you believe I’m wasting my life on lies. You always claim to have evidence and rightly so. You wouldn’t be an Atheist any other way.
What you see is your own interpretation of what’s before you and I have my interpretation. Your interpretation deafens the ears to the innocent. My interpretation is sensitive to the cries of the innocent. The battle is real. One leads to death, the other life.

I’ll use only one verse that you sent to clarify this. The others I will omit because when one is wrong then all is wrong.
First all it’s not “Zachariah” but spelled Zechariah.

Zechariah 9:9 belongs to the first coming of Jesus, but Zechariah 9:10 belongs to the Second Coming of Jesus, when He comes in power and glory to reign over this earth for 1,000 years. In that day there will be an enforced righteousness, and He will no longer allow war (Isaiah 2:4).

Zechariah 9:9  ¶Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

Zechariah 9:10  And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and he shall speak peace unto the heathen: and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth.

With these verses I see no imperfections that gives you the right to abort it. It points to life perfectly that you battle to destroy.

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Like I said before, Yes I can use different names. What’s really wrong with that? The message is the same and I say again important. Jessica, You don’t hear too good the cries of the innocent. You seek for imperfection like an abortionist that you can cut me up with words and this is your true love. By this I know you promote the killing of babies like the popping of a dog tick. You are dead in the heart towards the innocent and blame imperfection. You will joke and party to cut me up with words and believe atheism has given you power to escape damnation.
I expose your darkness that you disk out like abortion tools to kill the innocent with imperfections. Now you dug up false imperfections against God to cut Him out of the hearts of man. What a cruel hatred you have without mercy to not listen to the cries of the innocent. Your heart is like cold steel that words for life bounces off. You glory in death and the innocent unborn babies suffer the most because they are the least to you and cannot fight back.
James likes to take a gun and shoot me because I fight back. I choose life and speak up for little defensive babies and am comdemned of starting war that I must be taken out to the dumpster because I babble like a baby. I rather be as poor as a baby and be right with God that to have trillions of dollars for killing babies than to be without Him.
Next you will say, oh God kills babies. All I can say is that truth can be found why but a hard heart will only bounce off to the left and to the right and a straight answer will never penetrate. You can blame Christianity for the battle’s we have faced but it’s people like you that bully to divide that gives us a battle to pull together with united we stand.

12 years ago

I it just me, or has anyone else noticed that GeeMe and Jim Missy are the same person?? Same speech patterns, same writing style. Def a flamer…It would also seem that he/she would like everyone here to believe that English is a second language….nooooo, just a poor attempt at a cover. I doubt if he/she is even a Christian. Just a Flamer….or maybe multiple personality disorder. Always two people at once. I wonder who’s flying the starship tonight? My money’s on….hhmmmm, JimMissy!!! (Watch it will be GeeMe that answers).
Either way, study your Bible well if you want to take me on dearie…might want to have a couple cocktails too. I will not respond to your “death is my master” crap either. You are capable of conversation and your game is over.

Reply to  jessica
12 years ago

Seems like to me anyway and a couple others here that GeeMee=JimMissy jessica. I personally would add Reborntowarn as an additional sockpuppet. Same writing patterns, same kinds of typos on the same words. I don’t understand why people create sockpuppets to talk to themselves, or others because it’s not as if people can’t figure it out after a couple postings. Staying anon I can see, but it must be some work to keep up the pretense of multiple ids to try and fool people.

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  Jess
12 years ago

The best explanation I know comes from Blackadder:-
Typical ‘Master Criminal’ – loves the sound of their own voice

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Message of exposure is what’s important, not names. To make you all happy I resent a message with correction. You all provoke me to correct and I wait that you can blame me of being a troll when I’m here again.
I’m not interested of further provoking. You all must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to plaster me. You all are plastered enough and don’t really what me around. I don’t blame you. I’ll go but if you need this message corrected again just let me know and I’ll send it again.
WARN-O! Atheist brag in themselves while pouring out DEATH is their treasure. They are the terrorist helpers more than American helpers. They are no friend to no one but devoted to DEATH. DEATH to the unborn, DEATH to the heart of true marriage as Homo’s shake their hand. DEATH to the heart of our nation with in God we Trust. DEATH to the prayers for life. DEATH to the Holy Bible. DEATH to any belief that dishonors Atheist as god. DEATH to money sent to the hungry from Christians. DEATH to Christmas and Easter. DEATH to Bible in schools for Condoms.
These cocky Atheist smart-alec’s are the more scum of the world as they puke on anyone that does not bow to their DEATH. They are the terrorist best friend and every true American’s nightmare. They only know to brag about themselves as King intellect while at the same time brag they are King Stupid on their Web Page.
They come from schools where God and the Bible are politically incorrect…from schools where condoms are passed out and “safe sex” is preached. A silly slogan promoting condom use is now the hope of nation swimming in a moral sewer of AIDS and homosexuality and pornography. Ladies and gentlemen, the gospel of condoms and safe sex will not save America. These Atheist terrorist helpers will not save America! How can an Enemy of the Christian’s love do anything but destroy?
Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
I see here one is named Antichrist and walks proudly with a cursing DEATH mouth. I have nothing more to say to you but this, crawl in your little holey word snake and preach to all how lower than a snakes belly you so crawl.
James, you desire no comment in case you drag your lying mouth in. Your a disgrace not only to the USA but to the World so swallow your own DEATH vomit choking on this filled treasure that you so love. Only your Dog friends would eat vomit like this that you work so hard to stick our heads in. You Sicko Bum

Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

Hey, you ignorant POS. You’re repeating yourself. That’s no surprise, you ran out of anything to say about 30 seconds into your first post. Changing your ID hasn’t fooled anyone. Stupidity is very consistent because you are unable to change your language, style and context.

But, I want to give you some credit. You have withstood all kinds of mocking, laughter, derision, and contempt. True, it has all been richly deserved. But you seem oblivious to the fact that everyone on here sees you as nothing but a fool, liar, and troll. Does all of that make you feel good? It should satisfy the obvious christian need to feel persecuted while you are really persecuting everyone else.

Even your fellow theists are coming out and saying you are a disgrace to any religion.

Everyone knows you have never answered a single question of here and have ignored every direct challenge to prove your statements or to disprove anyone else.

To tell you plainly, you make me sick. I have rarely seen such a disgusting example of humanity. If I were in a room with you, Hitler, and Genghis Khan and had a gun with only two bullets, I would shoot you twice. The I’d know I have improved the honesty and intelligence of the human race.

You are so fortunate there is no hell. If there were and your god existed, you would have an express elevator int the lake of fire. Luckily for you all that can happen is, when your neurons stop firing, the world will cease to exist for you and it will be the better because you are dead meat.

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago


And even in the edit, it’s ranting bull in which you don’t seem to see the delineation between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ (a contraction of ‘you are’)

12 years ago

ALRIGHT, ‘fess up, who turned over the rock? I hope everybody realizes that JimMissy, Jim&Missy and GeeMe are all the same troll. And who the hell left the door unlocked so that Westboro “God Hates Fags” asshole could walk in? Jeebus H. Keeryst, I can’t believe I read most of that, there’s about an hour of my life I won’t get back. After that, I need a shower and a stiff belt of scotch. Bottom’s up!

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  dp1053
12 years ago

The Wannabe Westboro clone is the same chap. I think Missy is his weekend and leisure time name.

12 years ago

From a friend on FB in a message:
So, if you have about 45 minutes, I’d like to talk to you about the lord, Jesus Christ.

My reply:
If you want to talk to me because you think I am looking for answers, I don’t have any questions. I am happy.
If you want to talk because you have some questions I am probably not the one with your answers.

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  bsranch
12 years ago

I generally bin them out of hand.
One of my numerous interests was biblical scholarship (overview – it’s mostly crappy) and you get to see nearly every bad bit of apologetics out there in them… It’s half the Holmes-Moriarty problem – Everything they can say has already passed through my mind. They really can’t grasp my answers and thus it’s a waste of time dealing with them.
And no… I’m not ‘nice’

12 years ago

Kee-ryst on a cracker. JimMissy=GeeMee=troll who not only was fed but, he was taken to Hometown buffet for all you can eat feeding and spanked afterwards. Since August this idiot has been here, with nonsensical Bible Spice word salad, people answered his rants logically and yet he/she still does not get it. I said before and will say again, ***golf clap*** this has been extraordinary performance art from the troll, s/he deserves an award or something.

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  Jess
12 years ago

I don’t think I adressed any of it’s points ‘logically,’ but I did hand them some writing tips.

12 years ago

You all are a bunch of no good prick bastards because you hate our lord jesus christs who is god and good. Atheists all shave hate not like christians who love every9one and go to africa to save the black ones from their own dark souls. You probably thing soldiers are good and tey arent because they are all fags with fag uniroms and they should all die soon. Jesus is love and atheists are hate all of them. Praise our Jesust!

Reply to  God Hates Fags
12 years ago

I’m confused about the we’re all prick bastards thingybobb. Do I qualify as a prick bastard, if I am a not man, if you will, a vagina-American and know who my parents are? Hope you can help with my confusion.

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  God Hates Fags
12 years ago

Now, here’s someone so far in the closet he’s in Narnia. Send my love to Mr Tumnus, big boy.

Reply to  God Hates Fags
12 years ago

“To save the black ones from their own dark souls…” Really? I think you need to take a look at your own dark soul and quit worrying about other’s, slick. I’m not an atheist, but pricks like you give Christianity a really bad name. If all Christians were as hateful and feeble minded as you, I would be an atheist too.

Reply to  The Lawyer
12 years ago

Don’t know about you, but I’m scouring the internetz machine thing for fag uniroms, to see if I should get my best friend one for his birthday. If they are not fabulous, he will send it back so there is that little conundrum.

Reply to  God Hates Fags
12 years ago

What is it with you medieval morons anyway? Didn’t you learn grammar and how to spell in grade school, or did you skip over that part of your education?

12 years ago

GeeMe sounds like the fire and brimstone preacher from Florence in the Showtime series The Borgias. “He that speaks with death in his mouth shall wallow in a lake of fire, and blood will flow in the streets of the non-believers…” Hey Geeme, I’m not an atheist either, but geese, try to be a little more modern in your use of the English language. That’s not persuasive–it’s comic relief.

Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

WARN-O! Atheist brag in themselves while pouring out DEATH is there treasure. They are Terriost helpers more than American helpers. They are no friend to no one but devoted to DEATH. DEATH to the unborn, DEATH to the heart of true marriage as Homo’s shake their hand. DEATH to the heart of our nation with in God we Trust. DEATH to the prayers for life. DEATH to the Holy Bible. DEATH to any belief that dishonors Atheist as god. DEATH to money sent to the hungry from Christians. DEATH to Christmas and Easter. DEATH to Bible in schools for Condoms.
These cocky Atheist smartalec’s are the scrum to the world as they puke on anyone that does not bow to their DEATH. They are the terriost best friend and every true American’s nightmare. They only know to brag about themselves as King intellect while at the same time brag they are King Stupid on their Web Page.
They come from schools where God and the Bible are politically incorrect…from schools where condoms are passed out and “safe sex” is preached. A silly slogan promoting condom use is now the hope of nation swimming in a moral sewer of AIDS and homosexuality and pornography. Ladies and gentlemen, the gospel of condoms and safe sex will not save America. These Atheist Terriost helpers will not save America! How can an Enemy of the Christian’s love do anything but destroy?
Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
I see here one is named Antichrist and walks proudly with a cursing DEATH mouth. I have nothing more to say to you but this, crawl in your little holey word snake and preach to all how lower than a snakes belly you so crawl.
James, you desire no comment in case you drag your lying mouth in. Your a disgrace not only to the USA but to the World so swallow your own DEATH vomit choking on this filled treasure that you so love. Only your Dog friends would eat vomit like this that you work so hard to stick our heads in. You Sicko Bum

Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

What d’ya know?
A troll from a Troll

Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

As usual, you are a typical , a fool, a liar, and a hypocrite. This time, you are all three at the same time.

Plus, you are an arrogant, intolerant, jerk that spouts total nonsense without one word of proof of anything. But then, you believe in a religion that was not only founded upon lies, attracts nothing but liars and has been lying from the beginning until now.

It’s the usual stupidities, death, fear, and ignorance wrapped up in a “holier than thou” spiel of demagoguery.

I challenge you:

1. Prove one word of what you say is true.
2. Prove anything I say is not true.
3. Prove any god has ever existed.

Be a decent human being and stop hiding behind a false identity. Or are you so ashamed of the hate and bile you spout that you are afraid someone might identify you?

Are you ashamed of your faith?

But maybe you’re just the usual intellectual, ethical, and physical coward that hides in religion to keep from facing his own failures as a human being.

Those are very simple challenges and I see where you should have no problem responding truthfully and fully? No problem unless all that I say is true and you cannot answer can you, GeeMe? Yes, I know it’s you. You aren’t even smart enough to try to disguise your moronic rhetoric. I knew you could not stay away because you are simply too stupid to realize you are soundly defeated upon every issue.

Try again. All you are doing is providing hilarity for people able to think rationally.

Got you again! Atheists – infinity. Gee Me – zero

Hrothgir OD
Reply to  Reborn to Warn
12 years ago

I think it’s great the insane asylums have the internet these days.
The word is ‘their’ not ‘there’ in the context you’re using it. It’s terrorists’ possessive, not a singular, although that may be stylistic. Later you make the mistake I think you make. It’s Homos, plural, not possessive. It’s ‘smartalecs’ plural not possessive. It’s scum, not scrum… I could continue, but it’s a little pointless.

Basically, want respect? Stop ranting, learn a little grammar, lose the use of block caps as a rhetorical McGuffin, and use a spell checker plug-in.
Oh, and BTW, the people you are calling ‘Terroist'(sic) believe in the same Desert God you do, and would kill an atheist in a New York Minute in their desert hell hole.

12 years ago

ı know a little english but I learn english everyday…

I believe my god because We’re not ever alone.

Reply to  Share English
12 years ago

Congratulations upon your efforts to learn another Language. From personal experience, I know how difficult that can be.

I’m am sorry to hear that you are wasting part of your intellect on belief in a god. You would be far better served to use that part of your mind on rational thoughts and learning English if that is what makes you happy.

12 years ago

James, I gotta go. I will not bollow you again. Your friends are sick of your weakness and I don’t blame them for being concerned. All final messages will be to blame me but I will not respond to the lies. Byeeee From GeeMe

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

I see my statement that you learned nothing even from the English lessons was correct. It’s “bother”, not “bollow”. That’s not even a word. But I wouldn’t expect someone that is too stupid to edit or even use a spell checker to know that.

As always, you interpret everything to mean what you want it to mean. The complaint is about you posting nonsense, not my reasoned, factually correct replies. I suspect you know that by your retreat. You never responded to even one of my questions or replied to one of my points.

Yes, we blame you because you are the one that is a stupid, willfully ignorant jerk.

There have been no lies on my part and that’s another challenge you have ignored. You are the liar, stubbornly stupid theist and a disgrace to your religion, and to the intelligence of humanity.

Would you like to see some responses to your posts from my christian friends? You can contact me privately on Yahoo Messenger at slrman420.

I have no doubt that you will shy from that the same as you have refused to look at my videos on To look at any of them would demonstrate how wrong you are and possibly make you realize what a fool you have been.

So run and hide, you loser. You have had your ass handed to you every time and perhaps even you tire of being shown to be ignorant, lazy, and fearful of everything. It took you long enough, you moron.

12 years ago

Will someone ban this fucker? He’s been trolling us for what feels like a century, and I’m sick of getting the emails about it. “Well you can edit the email blahblahblah herp derp,” sure, I know, but we shouldn’t have to.

I move that he be permanently banned. Any second?

Reply to  Antichrist
12 years ago

I trust you are speaking of Geeme and not myself. As I have often said to that particular jerk, show that one word I have posted is not true. Don’t you get any amusement for seeing a troll like GeeMe handed his ass every time he post more nonsense? If not, just delete the emails. No one is forcing you to even read those, much less the posts. The emails contain the poster as well as the content of the posts. Click “delete”. I know GeeMe isn’t smart enough for that, but I would hope you are. 😀

12 years ago

Abortionist you praise. You praise anything to stop the heart of life. A rapist also stops the heart and you kill more sneaky. Pharisses and scibes went to stop the heart by those like them that you call your deluted Christian friends. Death is all you understand and all you can bring to any problem.
God does feed by sending those in His behalf till He returns. God has sent much money and food to the hungry through Christians. But of course you forget this like death is all that mattered for all. What a cruel wicked King that must set upon it’s throne of Atheism to let one’s like you deal out it’s death.
I have no interest in going to see you starving to death. I really like for you to come to life but death is all you care about. If starving to death proves I’m a failure, call me what you will but save your money to send it to the starving kids. Far better to see them happy than to see me.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

As I expected, you avoided the questions and continue with your evasions and attempted to force your sickness upon everyone else.

I have never mentioned death other than you should kill yourself to end your own misery and improve the human race. It is you that has the obsession with sex, death, and hate.

If god feeds those, how do you account for the childrin dieing of hunger? Oh yes, by ignoring the facts. That’s the basis of religion. God has done nothing because your god does not exist. Prove he does, but you hide again.

I am not starving, nor are those around me. I help support a creche for underprivileged children I do this by using the money O would spend for christmas gifts for my own children and grandchildren. They already have plenty anyway and they understand about helping others, unlike you who will “pray for them, but do nothing useful.

I do not forget how “christians” provide assistance only if they can use it to force their evil beliefs on others. That’s more hypocritical actions and in contradiction of your own bible.

A cruel, wicked king? That is a perfect description of your own god! If you have an omnipotent, omniscient god, he could end me and all human suffering in an instant. But no god exists and you have an excuse to do nothing because “god will provide” even though he obviously does not.

I could not care less to see you happy because you prefer to wallow in ignorance and hatred than to do anything constructive. You love being stupid because it is far easier for you than thinking, which you are ill-equipped to do.

12 years ago

You are still a liar. Answer the questions, you cowardly moron.

You mean “does it not add to their sorrows…” How does cutting god out starve them more? If your god was real, he would feed them, you arrogant idiot.

I see you admit to knowing a preacher that is just as much of a hypocrite as you are. To quote Lenny Bruce, “Show me a preacher that has two suits while someone has no suit and I’ll show you a hustler.” That’s what all “men of god” are, hustlers, hypocrites, and liars. You have had that example in front of you all your life. It’s no surprise that you are the same.

Man has not sinned. That is an invention and lie by you bone-headed christians. There is only one real sin, hurting someone else unnecessarily. Everything else is invented nonsense and lies. Your religion is founded upon lies and has never stopped lying. that’s why you are a pathological liar.

You say god has set a time to end this? Where is your proof? I have asked the same question many times and you ignore it. Why are you so afraid of telling the truth? Do you fear it would reveal that your entire life is wasted? Come on and answer the question, you worthless coward.

You claimed you are not forcing your beliefs on anyone but you have done nothing here but preach your beliefs constantly while avoiding the most simple questions.

Now you try to distract from my questions with the “right to life” bullshit. You have never answered one of my statements, much less a direct question. I know that tactic. Pretend nothing was ever asked and then declare “Victory through the power of christ!” You lie even to yourself and believe your own lies.

You thank me for the English lesson but you didn’t learn anything did you? You ignore that as you do anything else that does not totally agree with your sick, twisted world view.

Yes, christians are arrogant. There is not channel to turn. There is no god. Get that through your thick head. Prove to me there is a god. If you can furnish the proof, I will accept it and retract everything I have said then become a faithful believer forever. There’s the reward for you. Are you going to ignore me again? Of course you are because you are a mental and ethical coward.

Abortionists are far better people than you are. They are honest and help people. You are a sick mental case that cannot tell the truth about anything. You hide behind a false name, and make threats that I will suffer eternal punishment while carefully ignoring the most simple questions.

Yes, it is a threat and you know it and intended it as a threat. That’s why you theists have no ethics. You need a system of threats and rewards to prevent you from murdering, robbing, and raping. But wait, the prisons are full of theists that have done exactly those things. Less than 1% of the prison population are atheists, but we are 15% (or more) of the general population. So much for “christian ethics”. That’s just a major oxymoron. Yes, I understand that you do not know that word. Look it up, learn something.

You are certainly far from perfect, but you are not forgiven. That’s another example of your arrogance. No true god would forgive you for being a liar, a defiler of your religion, and a disgusting human being.

The christians I know are horrified at your behavior. The kindest thing any of them have said of you is that you are “poor representative of any religion.” Others have stated that you are “clearly a mental case and should be disregarded as being typical of christians or any other religious believer.”

Personally, I suspect you are just another delusional half-wit that is going to extremes to be a total asshole. In that, you have succeeded.

12 years ago

First of all 27,000 children around the world who are dying from starvation and malnutrition is a serious matter. Does not it add to their sorrows to cut God out and strave them more? I knew a Preacher that bought their dog an Air Conditioner for the Dog House. Then they point fingers in the need for more money. Don’t think for a moment that this doesn’t make me sick and you should know by now I’ll tell them.
It’s alright to get angry but excessive anger to cut God out is the wrong bottle to open. Man has sinned and staggered with great sorrow ever since God was cut out. We see the ugliness of all sorts of starvation. God has a set time to end this meantime durring this storm we are to help one another sensitive to God’s love. God gets blamed for so much but it’s always man that straves himself that he can’t feed others.
God’s delight is none should perish but many won’t hear. Kids are slaughtered in abortion clinics because man choose to do this. As we hear this some hearts will be after God’s own heart and love all His children but some will toss a beer can in the dumpster of these dead.
Thank you for the english lesson. I need plenty of help there.
Christians are arrogant? Then turn the channel, tune in to God, relax and let Him separate the wheat from the tares. If you can’t then you’re no better than an abortionist cutting up the innocent. You will suffer the same consequences waiting for those who spend their whole life cutting up the innocent. That’s not a threat, that’s a Promise Sir.
I’m not perfect but am forgiven. Being not perfect brings on the Abortionist. I’m not afraid. I’m a Child of the King.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You are still a liar. Answer the questions you cowardly moron.

YOu mean “does it not add to their sorrows..” How does cutting god out starve them more. If your god was real, he would feed them, you arrogant idiot.

Man has not sinned. That is an invention and lie by you bone-headed christians. There is only one real sin, hurting someone else unnecessarily. Everything else is invented nonsense and lies. Your religion is founded upon lies and has never stopped lying. that’s why you are a pathological liar.

YOU say god has set a time to end this? I say you are an idiot for believing this nonsense. Where is your proof? I have asked the same question many times and you ignore it. why are you so afraid of telling the truth? Do you fear it would reveal that your entire life is wasted? Come on and answer the question, you worthless coward.

You claimed you are not forcing your beliefs on anyone but you have done nothing here but preach your beliefs constantly while avoiding the most simple questions.

Now you try to distract from my questions with the “right to life” bullshit. You have never answer one of my statements, much less a direct question. I know that tactic. Pretend nothing was ever asked and the declare “Victory through the power of christ!” You lie even to yourself and believe your own lies.

You thank me for the English lesson but you didn’t learn anything did you? You ignore that as you do anything else that does not totally agree with your sick, twisted world view.

Yes, christians are arrogant. There is not channel to turn. There is not god. Get that through your thick head. Prove to me there is a god. If you can furnish the proof, I will accept ti and retract everything I have said and become a faithful believer forever. There’s the reward for you. Are you going to ignore me again? Of course you are because you are a mental and ethical coward.

Abortionists are far better people than you are. They are honest and help people. You are a sick mental case that cannot tell the truth about anything. You hide behind a false name, and make threats that I will suffer eternal punishment while carefully ignoring the most simple questions.

Yes, it is a threat, you lying bastard. Make threats to my face. Accept my offer of a free trip here. Then try to evade my easy questions.

You are certainly far from perfect, but you are not forgiven. That’s another example of your arrogance. No true god would forgive you for being a liar, a defiler of your religion and a disgusting human being.

The christians I know are horrified at your behavior. The kindest thing any of them have said of you is that you are “poor representative of any religion.” Others have stated that you are “clearly a mental case and should be disregarded as being typical of christians or any other religious believer.”

Personally, I suspect you are just another delusional half-wit that is going to extremes to be a total asshole. In that, you have succeeded.

So you admit that you know a preacher that is as much of a hypocrite as you are.

12 years ago

Found… After many hours of conversing with Atheist, I reached the conclusion that the Atheist stand are seriously ticked off because God doesn’t toe their line.
That all it amounts to is that there is no evidence for him. You think something came out of nothing for no apparent reason.
If there is a God why is he silent? Why doesn’t he just come right out and say he exists?” They never heard of the Bible and if they have they dismiss it as a fairytale. Not realizing it proves itself in everyday if one took the time to investigate how it does this. That history itself is all about God.

Atheist are very arrogant and self-serving. My experience with those I met.

Their favorite words are, you idiot, you coward, you Moron, you stupid, you ignorant. you liar’s, you feeble minded, you evil, you mentally off, your a troll, you dumbass, and many more. The little u and Big I problem. They never think of blaming themselves. These are the same folks who believe in going to see psychiatrists because psychiatrists blame everyone but you for all your troubles and problems.
Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

As always, your English is distorted by your inability to understand possessives, plurals, punctuation, and grammar in general. First, I am “an atheist”. Thank you for the capitalization although it is not my name nor am I important enough to be known as “The Atheist”. Obviously, I am the most important person in your life, but I do not consider that to be an honor.

I will address your post point by point, as I usually do. That’s unlike you, who always ignore every point I make and disregard direct questions and challenges.

I am not seriously ticked off be cause god doesn’t toe my (not “their”, I am only one person) line. Because there is no god, how can I be personally angry at a non-existent deity? Are you angry at Thor if thunder disturbs your favorite TV show?

Yes, there is not one iota of evidence for any god. Because you are unable to comprehend items like the big bang and the physics of the universe, you are the one that believes something (the universe) came from nothing (your god).

Yes, I have heard of the bible. By the time I was 13, I had read it through, cover to cover, several times. Apparently, that is more than you have ever done. This familiarity with that book has shown me that it is a badly-translated, politically-edited collection of myths and lies. Here’s another challenge for you; one I’m sure you will ignore as you do the others I have presented.

Give me any event described in the babble and I will demonstrate to you how it is either impossible, a mere myth, or an outright lie. There’s another ball in your court. I’ve tilted the odds in your favor by allowing you to cherry-pick anything you please. But an intellectual doorknob like you will doubtless hide from this, too. But, I like to take a positive view. Maybe it will cause you to actually read the bible. There’s nothing so good at producing atheists as reading the bible.

Christians are the most arrogant people on earth. You believe that only you can reach heaven. Everyone else, even innocent children, will go to hell. Christians arrogantly believe that their god will intercede for them in a sports event while ignoring the 27,000 children around the world who are dying from starvation and malnutrition. That’s happening constantly, but your god has no time for them but you think he will answer your picayune concerns immediately. That’s arrogance beyond anything I could do.

BTW, you meant “Atheists” plural didn’t you? If you meant me with the title, Atheist” it should be, “Atheist is”. One atheist is, many atheists are. As always, no charge for the English lesson.

Those words I use in reference to you are statements of fact. You have demonstrated many times that you are a fool, a coward, and a liar . But you forgot prevarication, mental, ethical, and physical coward. Also, it’s “you’re a troll”. But as you have amply demonstrated, decent English is as far beyond you as rational thinking, honesty, and courage.

I should think of blaming myself for your failures? I have tried very hard to help you but you are so determined to retain your ignorance and delusions that you ignore the most earnest attempts to assist you, even with simple English.

Obviously, you are as ignorant of psychiatry as you are of your own religion. Psychiatric treatment is directed at helping people see that it is their own reaction to external events and influences that are causing their problems. Being also medical doctors, (as psychologists are not) they also look for chemical imbalances that sometimes cause mental disturbances. That’s why I have urged you to seek professional help with your delusions and mental deficiencies.

Speaking of conceit, read again my words about arrogance in christians. There is far more hope for a person that considers his own problems and works to solve them than there will ever be for a fool that thinks an imaginary god will help. Yes, you are a god damned fool. I mean that literally. Your belief in a god has damned you to a wasted life of ignorance, fear, and groveling.

As always, the same two easy challenges.

1. What is your proof of any god?

2. Show that even one word I have said is not true.

The world is waiting to be enlightened by your brilliant reply. (Sarcasm is a natural response to extreme stupidity)

12 years ago

All you can think about is for me to look the other direction so I can hear you cry about some old slop. Even Mormon’s eat sloppy Joe’s. Can you understand plain English. I’m not interested in your slop. Terrorist would find it a great joy to strap a bomb on you to help explode the Christian backbone. You show more everyday the manners of a Terroist. The cruel heart of Satan and open the Antichrist door. What do you think I should do? Roll over and play dead?

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You ignorant moron. I have been directing you to look in one direction only, answering some simple questions, but you are the one evading them by choosing to look the other way.

BTW, it’s “Mormons”, not “Mormon’s” there is no possessive there. You must delight in demonstrating your ignorance. We all are completely aware of your mental deficiencies now. YOu don’t need to keep showing off your illiteracy.

I can understand English far better than you, that much is obvious to anyone. If you don’t want any more of being demolished in facts and logic, slink away like the terrified little mouse you are.

Terrorist strapping a bomb? There you go with the violence again. If you are the only example I knew, it would be plain that christians have no backbone. But I know many and none are as stupid, cowardly, and asinine as you.

I show the manners of a terrorist? I am sure you know more about ill manners than I ever will. But you seem to have this obsession with terrorists. That and lying seem to be your only concerns.

I notice that, as usual, you ignore any direct issue I mention. How about the “Thou shalt not bear false witness” comment? Did that hit home with you?

I have demonstrated many times that you are a pathological liar incapable of telling the truth. Evading simple direct questions is only another method of lying. Or do you want to claim they were too complicated for you to understand? You have to choose one. You cannot have it both ways.

No, I think you should not roll over and play dead. I think you should jump off a cliff and increase the average integrity and intelligence of humanity. The world would be a far better place if you were no longer in it. Think how much you would be honored by others for making a sacrifice that benefited the human race so much. I’d contribute for a monument to you for that. At least you would finally have done something useful with your life.

12 years ago

Hath God surely said, Satan casting doubt. Hath God surely said repeats out of your mouth. He is the King of liars and amazing how you don’t see the comparison. Satan charges God of being a liar when indeed Satan the master of liars guilty of proclaiming this false accusation.
You Sir James proclaim false accusations that I’m a liar. Adam and Eve believe Satan the same you believed. Remarkable how you repeat garbage and twist it around to deny anything like this ever exsisted. I can smell the stink Mr Pig.
I’m sick of your mudhole that terrorist Hogs smile to slowly pour in to sink America. Adam and Eve fell in shame and it’s too bad that you can’t see shame that you have in store for America (or maybe you do see). Meanwhile with this going on all you can think about is pressuring me to look the other direction and hear you cry about some other failures.
You are no friend to our Soldiers or any American, You can’t even give them a prayer. Your a Disgusting little Pig.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You are not trying to force your religion on me? Again you lie more than anyone I know. With every post you have done little but preach when you already know I do not believe one word you ever say. You have demonstrated what a liar you are so many times no one could ever trust you to tell the truth if you can think of a lie instead.

I proclaim false accusations that you are a liar? Exactly when? Every time I have said you are a liar, it is because you have lied and I have shown that explicitly. You are so stupid that you believe your own lies.

You are the one repeating garbage that you would never dare say to my face. But you can safely hide behind your keyboard. Is that another reason why you ignore my offer to come see me? You cannot smell anything but your own fear sweat. You tremble intellectually, physically, and would ethically, but you have no ethics. If you did, you would obey your own religion and stop telling lies.

You should be sick of your own duplicity and ignorance. But none of that bothers you because you are a despicable excuse for a human being.

What terrorist? You make another feeble attempt to distract from your own evil ways by introducing figments of your own imagination.

You know nothing about me other than I call you out on your lies and stupidity. So you try to disparage me with more lies. You know not one thing about my service to America and to people personally. I have helped more people become better personally, physically, and mentally that you ever have even met. If you bothered to look at the references I have given, you would know that. But you are a sniveling little coward afraid of learning anything that does not match your own ignorance and sickness.

The only failures I speak of are the ones you consistently display here. I could accuse you of anything as you do me. Unlike you, I have to have proof before I make accusations. Untruths do not bother you at all. You wallow in lies like a pig in mud but enjoy it more.

I am a disgusting pig? Is that the best insult you can think of? Even your insults are lies. You know nothing of my relationship to our military and other Americans. It is evil people like you spouting false religion that is destroying America.

No, I do not pray for anyone. Instead, I do something useful. One pair of hands working is more effective than a million clasped in prayer. But praying is much easier than actually doing something isn’t it? It requires nothing of your assets or substance. You don’t even really do it. Saying you are “going to pray for you” is as far as it goes. That it’s another lie doesn’t matter. What is one more lie in a lifetime of deception?

Come on, answer one of the questions I have asked. Look at the links I have given you. Be a man and a real christian instead of the worthless piece of trash you have been so far. Earn some respect. be a decent person for once in your life.

12 years ago

(Show God, but your too lazy to take a bath to see.) You can never grasp this because your mind is too small so I can’t give you something that is well above your head. So request denied.
Yes I run but always in the hands of God. This peace cannot be described in human language, it only has to be experienced. Better felt than telt.
See James, Jesus brought division and I cannot go with you in your limited material understanding. I walk by faith which is the only way to please the Father. Why? Because I accept what He has done, for man has done enough. I have never been sorry I said, Let it be your way Lord, not mine.
Even my peace surpasses understanding. I do gotta go James for your mind is limited and I can go no further… Enjoy from GeeMe

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

I can grasp concepts far above anything you can imagine. You can’t explain it because you realize, after it is pointed out to you, that it makes no sense at all. Again you lie. Do you realize that in every post you have maid, you have lied at least once? Doesn’t that shame you? Remember what I said about “Thou shall not bear false witness”? You ignored that one, to. I think that was a direct hit on my part. Bulls eye! ON April 15, I posted this and you ignored it, too.

1. Define what you mean by “god”
2. Why do you believe in your god?
3. Do you believe in Zeus, Aphrodite, Thor, or Apollo?
4. If 3 is yes? Why. If no, Why not?

The point is, you have consistently refused to reply to the most simple questions. Could that be from a mental inability to even understand that you have been asked something or an intellectual cowardice to reply to anything that might tell the truth?

Sure, you deny a request as you also refuse to reply to polite, easy questions. IN the same manner, you refuse to look at the links I give you because you know that I am right and you will be proven wrong yet again.

In the part about Horus, you came back with a distorted, untrue set of ludicrous comments. Obviously, you made these up and I let it pass because you were only showing yourself to be a cowardly liar and not even a good liar. I would think that someone that lies as much as you do would be better at it, but maybe that requires a mental capability that is far beyond you.

You run in the hands of god? What an ignorant statement. What god? Where is your proof? You try to hide from my questions, is all. If you know peace, you would respond logically and truthfully. YOu have yet to do either of those. Do you find peace in prevarication, denial, distortion and distraction? That’s a very poor substitute for the peace and presence of mind in knowing the truth.

What jesus? I have asked you before to show me one contemporary account of any jesus. As always you ignored that because you know there isn’t any.

My mind is unlimited. Yours is closed, locked and full of nonsense. Your mental powers fall below those of the sub-human anthropoid from which we all evolved. Yes, evolved. the proof of o is everywhere. Creationism is another lie. Just like you. Liar, Liar, liar!

12 years ago

Writing a book. Wow… A whole chapter devoted to me. I’m so honored to have met you. Make sure you nail this up for all folks to see. Show them how

(1) you had nothing to say in the support to comfort those who has lost kids to raptist.

(2) Show them how you condemned an angel mother to a B_TcH

(3) Show them how you laughed like Goliath against my freedom to choose life.

(4) Trying to bribe me to come where you are at because I am weak with words and you saw my weakness to exalt yourself on.

(5) That you want proof of God when evidence is all around us.

(6) Show God but too lazy to take a bath that you can see.

(7) You have made yourself Judge, so let it be written.

I’m not forcing anything on you. I’m only here to expose your true hate for America to weaken it’s backbone with In God we Trust. Terroist helpers will very well see this small mudhole and slip in very slowly and sink our Country to foreign hogs. Of course I’m comdemned by James as a liar. Time will Tell. The End

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

Again with the lies.

1. You are the only one that mentioned rapists. I have no idea what you were rambling on about other than trying to distract for the fact that you are too cowardly to answer direct questions. YOu do seem to be obsessed with sexual matters, though. You called me a homosexual because that’s the worst insult you could imagine. You have brought up the rape thing several times even though it has nothing at all to do with what we’re talking about. Well, there is the god-approved and ordered sexual assaults in your bible. Maybe that’s how you get that?

2. How did I condemn an angel mother to be a bitch? I have never made any mention of angels or mothers. Mothers exist, angels do not. Oh, I see. That’s another of your lies you hope I’ll participate in. Wrong, I will not. I am not a liar like you.

3. I have never laughed. You have never done anything funny. It is amusing to me to see you make such a big fool out of yourself, but I don’t laugh. I do smile at your clumsy lies and poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

4. How was I going to bribe you? I offered you no money. I only said I would buy the ticket. I was certain you would not accept because you knew you could not easily evade my direct questions in person as you have always done on here. It’s just another example of your lies and cowardly behavior. That offer is still open. Look at my videos and see what a beautiful place this is.

5. There is evidence? I have asked you for it many times and you have not given me any. Now you claim there is evidence but you again refuse to give it. Are you afraid I will prove it is not evidence? Not very good proof in your own mind, is it?

6. Show god, but too lazy to take a bath? WTF are you talking about? More mentally disturbed raving, it seems.

7. When have I made myself a judge? Again, you lie. What I have done is point out obvious facts. You lie, you are mentally challenged, delusional, and a shame upon your religion.

I know you will never answer a single question. YOu never have and are incapable of telling the truth.

You do force your sick, twisted, evil beliefs on others. You try to vote them into law and force the teaching of lies such as creationism to children.

I do not hate America. I am an American and have served my country in peace and in war.

If you were not such an ignorant moron, you would know that the real motto of America is E Pluribus Unum. “In god we trust” was added in the 1950s during the communist panic started by Joseph McCarthy. But you prefer to believe lies instead of facts.

Yes, I condemn you as a liar because that’s exactly what you are. I have pointed out many of you lies because you are so bad at it, they are easy to catch.

You introduce the silly comment about terrorists to try to cover up the fact that you lie constantly, have never answered a single question, even some very easy ones I posted some time ago.

All you have accomplished on here is to demonstrate that you are mentally challenged, morally bankrupt, and have a comprehension deficit the size of the Grand Canyon. You have also shown that you have no shame, are proud of being ignorant and are determined to stay ignorant and drag as many others down with you as possible.

Then let’s not forget your poor use of English grammar, tenses, spelling, and sentence construction. But, when you are insistent upon remaining ignorant on one thing, that attitude must spill over into other areas, mustn’t it?

Now, are you going to run and hide some more or are you going to try to be a rational human being and attempt to answer simple questions? Are you going to gather together some moral backbone and look at the sites I have given you or will you continue to cower in terror that you might see something that shows you are wrong about everything?

Those are rhetorical questions because everyone already knows the answers. You have proven those things many time. So if you want to run and stop showing your stupidity, I’ll understand.

It has been amusing for me to play you for a fool, but really, it’s been way too easy. You aren’t even a challenge. I don’t have to work at this but can compose as I go. But then, I have many years of practice in thinking. I recommend it to you. It is a bit scary at first, but in the end, it does wonders for your self respect. That’s something you really should work on. Maybe if you seek the therapy I recommended, they can help you with that, too.

12 years ago

I know you because you carry the same walk to destroy as the disciples were treated and destroyed. Not saying that you destroy flesh but you sure are not far from it. You repeat bibical history from those who thought their head was bigger than God with failed results of trying. This was wicked and you follow their footsteps.
Horus, Attis, and Mithra was either copied from bibical words or man today has interpreted it to look similar to bibical but from images that shows nothing like the bibical. I might look stupid but I’m not ignorant. Mormons carry the same fake named Smith. He buried his face in a hat that no-one could see his lying face as distorted God’s Word. So yes I’m full aware of daredevils.
Proof your not a drunk. Are you not drunk with desire to remove Christianity out of our land? Do you not vomit piles of slur towards any David that speaks God? Do you not Laugh the same as Goliath? Do you not stagger from a stone shot at Goliath. You have surely lost your head.
Pharisee and scribes degraded Jesus so it’s no surprise that you call them your friends.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

Again, you are a liar and a total idiot. You claim I am “not far from destroying flesh” but as always, you do not have any proof of it. When have I even hinted at it? But telling lies is your main purpose isn’t it?

I do not repeat biblical history for two reasons. First of all, I reject your babble. Second of all, 98% of what is in there are lies and myths. Why would I want to repeat lies? That’s what you do and I certainly would never want to be like you. For that matter, no rational person would, either.

If you were not such a total dumbass and an ethical coward, you would have looked up Horus, Attis, and Mithra and learned that they all pre-date the bible. So they could not have been copied form biblical words. But, you have made that claim. Now prove it. Tell me exactly which biblical passages pre-date any of these and show how they could have been copied.

No doubt you will ignore this challenge like you ignore all others. Yes, you do look stupid and you are ignorant and determined to stay that way. If you were not, you would look at the references I have given you, including my own sites.

It’s no disgrace to be ignorant. We are all born that way. It is a disgrace to intentionally stay ignorant after you have been given the opportunity to improve yourself. But you prefer stupidity and ignorance because it is far easier for you than thinking.

I see you are making another pathetic attempt to distract from the issues of your unwillingness to answer my challenges by bringing up Mormons. The fact that my name is Smith is of no significance at all. It is the most common name in the world if you accept that non-English equivalents exist. For example, here it is “Da Silva” You have to know that but in an attempt to distract from your own failings, you introduce another irrelevancy. No one is fooled by this, only you. But you have been fooling yourself for so long that you cannot stop.

Prove that I am not a drunk? That’s another shabby attempt at distracting from your terror of answering any of my questions. You are really a poor excuse for a human being.

I could not care less about removing christianity. All I want is for you delusional jerks to stop forcing it upon the rest of us. No, I do not “vomit piles of slurs” on anyone that speaks of god. But for deserving morons like you, I do reserve my bile. You’ve earned it, you deserve it and you will get it.

I have not lost my head. You have never had yours. You’ve accepted the lies and brainwashing and have not attempted to see the truth. You reject truth, rational thinking, and the evidence of your own senses.

You lie yet again. When have I ever said Pharisees (note the plural, you illiterate) and scribes were my friends? You cannot write a simple sentence without telling a lie. What ever happened to “Thou shall not bear false witness”? Or perhaps that’s a portion of your god’s commandments you choose to pretend doesn’t exist?

Question 1. What proof do you have of the existence of any god?

Question 2. What proof do you have that anything I have said is not true?

You can run from those two but you cannot hide. You can only make yourself look worse every time you try to evade them.

Reply to  James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
12 years ago


Why is this so important to you? Why are you so angry that Gee does not think like you on this issue?

Reply to  John Myste
12 years ago

You must not have read all of my posts. I have said more than once that this is amusing to me. Every post he makes in reply to me, he shows himself to be more of a liar and a terrified ignoramus.

No matter how often it is pointed out that he evades direct questions, engages in distraction, delays, denials, and prevarications, he is simply too stupid to stop. I have even directly told him that I am playing him for a fool, yet he doesn’t get it.

Besides, I am planning a book, “Conversations with Christians” and this guy may get a chapter all of his own. No, I will not share any profits with him, he doesn’t deserve it.

What is even more funny to me is how he is now claiming to “be my friend”. The stupidity level is increasing. 😀

Reply to  James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
12 years ago

I did not read all your posts, just as you have not read all of mine. I did read a number of them, though. Is your book intended to ridicule Christians? Some Christians are very intelligent and have very well thought-out arguments. Though I am an atheist, I think I would make a good apologist for the Christian religion. Christian is not a synonym for stupid.

Reply to  John Myste
12 years ago

No, you did not read all of my posts because I specifically mentioned that I do know christians that are decent, honest people. I also mentioned that I passed along some of GeeMe’s posts to a christian friend. She was of the opinion that he is really an atheist troll trying to make christians look stupid. I admitted that she may have had a point, but in this case, I doubt it.

I agree not all christians are stupid. I do maintain that all are deluded to believe in something so consistently proved to be untrue, impossible, and contradictory.

I cannot apologize for any religion. I stand solidly behind my statement that most of the problems of the world are, and always have been caused by religion.

You might look at the video I posted on Vimeo.com from Boston Legal. It is a very clear, logical condemnation of the religious stance that they deserve a free ride on everything. Search on slrman on Vimeo to see it. GeeMe won’t do it because he is afraid of what he might learn.

I can understand and deal with ordinary ignorance. But willful ignorance is very different and I have no patience with it. OK, maybe it’s a character flaw, but I can live with it. 🙂

12 years ago

You have no proof that Christians aren’t going home. You can’t prove God does not exsist. The only thing that you can show is your mouthy drunken opinion. You can’t find God for the same reason a Murderer can’t find a Police Officer. I’m still a friend regardless your my enemy. You are a friend to the world and an enemy also to God. Vengence is His and He will have to destroy you because His righteousness demands justice if you not turn from your wicked ways. Satan will be the one who will accuse you that you love to destroy like it does that you will be condemned also and share with its torment. God’s desire is no one be stuck in the place of torment but when lost man kicks the door down what choice does He have to stop it. Then you judge God of destroying for the fun of it.
Because of the fall of Adam all belonged to Satan. God provided a Way to escape. All was destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah but not without plenty of time given to them to let go of Satans hand. God does what He has to do.
You sir James are kicking the door down and condemning yourself to be an intruder in a place that was prepared for the Devil and it’s Demons. All your puny strength of disbelief will not save you. You will be blotted out of life and be the one as never exsisted. You will not be able to point your accusing finger at me that I didn’t warn you.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

Yes, I can prove it all. I’ve already shown that you are a liar and a moral and mental coward. If there is a god, why doesn’t he show himself? Or is he as cowardly as you?

If christians are “going home” you must first prove the existence of a god, a heaven, and that somehow, something goes there after death. I have challenged you on these before but you, in your stupidity and cowardice have declined to answer.

Again, you accuse me of being a drunk. You have no proof of that, but proof is something that is meaningless to you. Proof would mean using facts and rational thinking, both of which are fatal to any religion.

I am not your enemy. I respect enemies because they represent a challenge or a threat. You do neither. You are simply a contemptible stubbornly ignorant moron, undeserving of respect. As would something as decent as an enemy. If you are my friend, why do you refuse to respond to two simple questions? You are a fool and a liar, as you have demonstrated many times here.

There is no god and therefore, no vengeance. I do not fear any god nor you. But you are terrified of me. That’s why you refuse to respond to my simple questions.

What wicked ways? You do not know a thing about me and you refuse to learn. Just as you refuse to learn the truth about your religion. You are afraid to look up Horus, Attis, and Mithra, as I have suggested several times. You refuse to look at any of the videos I have made for myself and other people. Very few are about religion. Most are things I have made for my own amusement or for others at their request. Nor have you been to my blog where most entries are about things other than religion.

Your wicked intolerance and fear keeps you chained into a shivering lump of terror that you might actually learn something that does not agree with your delusional world view.

How can I be an enemy to god? No god exists. That would be like being an enemy to Micky Mouse; without point or logic. Repeatedly, I have requested that you provide proof of any god and you have always ignored that request. Is that the action of a “friend”?

I have no wicked ways. You are the wickedly intolerant one that is determinedly stupid. You refuse honest, earnest requests, you are a shame to your faith, you are a sorry example of a human being. You are the one that must change his ways.

There is no satan you cannot prove that myth any more than that of your god.

You are an insane delusional person. You desperately need professional help but you are too far gone into your fantasy world to realize it. I am more of a friend to you for urging you to seek help that you are to yourself.

What a disgusting human being you are. The real christians I know would turn their backs on you in a heartbeat.

I have forwarded many of your posts to a christian friend and guess what she said? She assumes you are really an atheist troll writing these things to make christians look bad. I have to admit, she could be right. But I really think you are as stupid and willfully ignorant as you seem.

Answer the questions you lump of excrement. Do you have any proof there is a god?

Do you have any proof that even one word I have posted is not true?

Either answer, admit you don’t have any answers, or slink away like the cowardly slime you are.

12 years ago

This is a sugar free message because I do spell it like it is. You can only condemn because you stand condemned. You can kill every Christian on earth and never remove the prison that condemns you aready.
I’m your best friend but you will never see this because raging hatred is your best friend which is only a prison guard that you stay put and feed it what it wants. You live to hate and when Christians are called home you will find some other easy prey to attack to try to satsify this hunger.
You can’t handle answers or questions because blinding hate has you buried you deep in its control. It would be nice to see you one day but your friend is no friend of mine and I have no love to see it. If one day you are freed from this pest maybe you can see me as a good friend.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You are really an ignorant bonehead aren’t you? I have seen a lot of delusional people in my life, but you are the most mentally disturbed individual of all time. You MUST seek professional help. Please do so before you harm yourself further.

When have I mentioned killing anyone? Your delusions are turning violent. Please seek help before you harm someone.

I am not condemned because I am rational. You have willingly entered a prison of guilt, fantasies, and hate. You are the one that is always speaking of hate. But you cannot see that can you?

You are NOT my friend. I would never want an idiot like you for a friend. You are a sick, miserable, little man that needs professional assistance in dealing with the pigsty you have made of your life.

Christians are never going to be called home. They are living their lives waiting for a lie to happen.

You have never asked a question and have never provided an answer. You are nothing more than a terrified little worm that cannot face the truth so try to cover your mental and moral deficiencies with prevarications, evasions, distractions, and denials. You can do all of that forever but it does not change the facts. You are a liar and a disgrace to your religion and to the entire human race.

What hate? You keep on that theme. Is it because, in your heart, you hate just as your religion has taught you to hate? Read your bible for the truth. Genocide, murder, rape, prostituting your daughters, it is all there and approved, when not commanded, by your “loving, merciful” god.

I will never see you as anything but an abysmally stupid individual who is determined to wallow in ignorance and hate of his own.

I am free and have been since I learned to think for myself. Free yourself from the brainwashing you have had to make you stubbornly stupid and continuing to accept the delusion of religion.

Answer the two questions, and earn some respect. If you would even admit you have no answers, that would be more honest that you have been so far. You have been nothing but a liar and a deliberate fool.

12 years ago

You are drunk with hate sir.
Since you can’t answer my one question then stagger on drunkard. I have no answers for you then either. I’m sick of your vomit.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

Hate of what? Of liars? Of hypocrites? Look in the mirror and see if you like them.

You haven’t asked a question other than the nonsensical version of, “Have you stopped beating your wife”. But YOU have consistently evaded every time I have asked you to
1. Prove there is any god. and 2. Prove one word I have said is not true.

I am not a drunkard, but you are a liar and a fool.

I know you have no answers. That’s why you run and hide like the mental, ethical, and physical coward you are.

How many times have I challenged you with those questions? Yet, you have not even recognized that they have been asked.

So here’s some biblical advice for you. You should like that, right? “Go forth and multiply thyself.” (Brother Dave Gardner, 1962)

The only vomit on here has been you disbursing your sickness, lies, and delusions.

My offer of a plane ticket is still good. Or are you going to ignore that again, too? If you had any real moral character, you’d make me a counter offer to fly me to where you are. But a face-to-face debate where you could not successfully avoid answering direct questions would be unacceptable to you, wouldn’t it? I say again, coward!

It obviously doesn’t bother you that every post you make, my reply demonstrates what a fool you are and demolishes you as an mental misfit. DO you take a perverse pleasure in being shown to be a total idiot with no morals, manners, or literate ability? Let’s here from some other people. How many on here think GeeMe has made any points on here? How many agree that he as shamefully engaged in delay, deny, distract, and dissemble?

Personally, I think he is one of the most disappointing examples of a human being I have ever encountered. He disgraces himself and his religion.

I know many christians and quite a few are honorable, decent people. All of those would be disgusted by this example of rampant religious perversity.

12 years ago

By now I hope James that I have in some way shook you up enough to be at least halfway sober to answer questions without throwing up to destroy . Remember living water is hard for you to swallow. Even true alcoholic’s cannot hold down anything good because alcohol has destroyed to accept only bad. If you gotta throw-up then understand I cannot swallow what only a dog can.
I’m sorry if you thought I called you a Homo. You are no Homo like the sick mess that parade our streets. Atheist has a lot in common with Homo’s when it comes to end times that we are living today that in the Bible we are forewarned would happen. You both walk to stimulate the flesh and hardened your heart to any conviction of shame that Christians are sensitive to.
There is plenty of mud that surrounds Jesus to reflect an image of Him drunkenly. Interesting how you salute the mud thats sculptured to bury Jesus right at the time that Christians are told that Jesus will soon be here. Your fullfilling and strengthening excitement in the Christian heart as you thought laughing on your throne would bring you victory to destroy.
You are blind and deaf from mud that always pressures downward.
Question. How do you explain why you are fulfilling bibical truth which is warned that many folks will become in these times we now live?
Waiting for your answer and question. Please try to answer my question without throwing up to me that I’m SOB. The heart of the home is important but you’re always after the heart of our nation or condemning any heart that mud vomit is not ok to have around. I speak shame to your drunken pursuit that has always failed with the same pursuit in bibical past.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You have not shaken me up at all. First of all, I have not even been mildly intoxicated in over 30 years. I have one small glass of red wine in the evenings because the current medical advice states that is good for me.

“Living water”? Another theist lie and delusion.

You did call me a homo. “Then like a Homo perverter you”. Yes, you did misspell “pervert” but we all know that you are a functional illiterate, so I’ll excuse that. What I won’t excuse is that you lie about your own statements.

Exactly how do atheists (another typing error, you forgot the plural) have anything to do with homosexuals other than we believe, unlike you, that they have a right to exist? I hope the rapture does occur on the 21st of May. Then we will be rid of jerks like you. What a great thing that would be for rational people. I have an idea. To make sure it happens, go jump off a cliff. No problem, you’ll just be assisting jesus, right? That will raise the average IQ and decency of the human race by quite a lot.

Get off the mud kick will you? You are simply demonstrating you have no vocabulary and cannot think of alternate ways to describe the contents of your mind. Try “shit for brains” That is accurate, if scatological.

You are willfully blind to facts and stubbornly ignorant.
None are so blind as those who refuse to see.”

I do not have to explain your question that really isn’t a question, but a badly-phrased linguistic trap. I am not fulfilling anything except my predictiosn that you will always evade my questions and will demonstrate increasing levels of stupidity and prevarication in your posts. So far, I have been 100% accurate.

OK, you are not a son of a bitch. You are a total idiot and a liar. You have again refused to even acknowledge my two questions.

I am not drunken anything. But you love to lie, don’t you. Do you know that, by your own religion, liars are condemned to hell?

The bible is a lie. I can prove that it is. Maybe that’s why you like to lie every post. You’re only following your religion. Luckily for you, there is no hell.

12 years ago

So, laugh when I cast not pearls in the mudhole. I’m here asking questions that you coward out and can’t answer. Then like a Homo perverter you twist all around that I don’t answer questions. You don’t really want answers. All you care about is insult those who will not bow to your fat head. Your not as smart as you think you are. Go ahead and enjoy sitting on your throne laughing at those who puts no faith in mud. Spend all your life full of Satans Hate to destroy. He don’t care if you believe in him or not.
What made you think that I would coward to the god you think you are and bow? Not all people are as deceived as those who fell for your lies. You can insult me, degrade and shame me but I stand with God. I’m honored to stand with God than to fall and worship your fat head.
So squeal to your so called friends Mr Pig about what a loser I am. I don’t care how loud you squeal. Nothing you do or have impresses me. You came into this world with nothing and you will leave this world with nothing.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

You are lying again, as usual. You have never posed a single question. I can answer anything you dare ask. You don’t ask anything because you know I will devastate your ego with the answer. That’s the same reason you avoid responding to my questions. Do you realize that you have never replied to a single question? Nor have you gone to any of the references I have given you. doesn’t it make you ashamed that you have so little faith that you are afraid to even look at one video or to read one post in my blog? But shame is not one of your values either, is it?

Then here you use juvenile sexual insults because your sick mind can’t think of anything else. I knew that you would resort to calling me a homosexual because that’s the worst thing your perverted mind can think of.

No, you do not answer questions. Yes, I really do want answers. The challenges are very simple and direct.

1. Offer any proof of the existence of any god.
2. Prove one word that I have said is not true.

What you think are insults are statements of observed fact. YOu ARE a liar. You ARE a hypocrite. You ARE stupid.

You do not have to bow to me. Hold your head up proudly and answer the questions. Instead, you cower and show what a sniveling little worm you are.

How do you know how smart I think I am? I do know I am smarter than you, but that isn’t saying anything to brag about. I have vegetables in my refrigerator smarter than you.

There is no satan (you meant “satan’s” but punctuation is as far beyond you as rational thinking) any more than there is a god. Both are inventions of the evil people that have brainwashed you gullible morons so they can extort your resources and control your lives. No god or satan cares about anything because neither one exists. Again, prove there is.

I have never asked you to bow to me. Just answer the main question. What proof so you have of any god? How many times must it be asked before you either answer or admit you cannot answer? Admitting that you can’t answer would be far more honorable than hiding, prevaricating, and attempting to deny, delay, and distract. But honor is not a theist value, is it?

What lie have I told? The second question to you is to prove one word I have said is not true. You evade that like everything else.

You do not stand with god. There is no god. You stand with your delusions. Again, when have I asked you to worship me? I would be highly insulted if you did. I have no more need of your adoration than that of an earthworm. Earthworms are smarter than you, so I would be less insulted by them.

I do not shame you. You shame yourself by displaying your ignorance and your intellectual and ethical cowardice. You shame your religion by your actions, lies, and evasions.

Yes, I cam into this world with nothing. Unless you count the love and care of my parents, relatives, and friends. I leave with nothing but my self-respect and that of my friends, relatives, and some who do not even know me except through my writing.

How many respect you? How many love you? Not your god. Even if he existed, his reported genocides, condemning innocent people to an eternity of torture, and his juvenile, jealous fits of rage, preclude any possibility of love.

I have the love and trust of my friends, my partners, and my children. You are the one with nothing. You have wasted your substance, your intellect, and your life on a religion founded upon lies.

You reject rational thinking, truth, and the evidence of your own senses. That’s why you have nothing. You have thrown it all away in favor of delusions and brainwashing.

12 years ago

Eoooo, an invitation with money to buy joy. Does your wife know how you like to get a hold of me? Phillip here says that you should avoid me and pretend I don’t exsist. I’d really listen to this Phillip if all possible.
Phillip Zuniga, where are you? James is weak and needs your correction.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

As always, you answer even more stupidly than the time before. You are even too dumb to realize that I am doing this so you will continue to show everyone what an ignorant, cowardly POS you are.

What I need it you to act like a man and stop evading the questions. But you are not a man, you are a weak, trembling fool that believes in the most ridiculous things. Then you are too stupid to defend your silliness.

The offer still is open. A free trip to a beautiful city and a priceless opportunity to prove yourself the moral an intellectual master of this atheist. How can you lose?

I also know you did not check out my videos. Are you afraid what you will find there will also make you feel like the helpless little worm you are?

Then go to my blog. The things you will read there will also appeal to your mental masochism. You seem to love to look like the ignorant little coward you are. The blog will help you with that.

You are certainly a very poor representative of any religion. Perhaps you are really an atheist doing this to make theists look stupid? Were I a believer, I would be telling you to shut up and go away, you’re making us all look bad. But then, commonsense, the law, and even human decency never affect christians do they?

12 years ago

Not even a kind word of hope to those who has suffered the loss of their loved one at the hands of a rapist. Only mud flows where love should. Rapist and murderers has the same raging mud that boils in their veins to destroy as you attack to bury Christianity.
I understand now the force drive of mudslides as Atheist and ACLU pile it on to bury “In God we Trust”. Do you want to kill me now and later say I never existed? Be honest and try to see beyond this mudhole cocoon. Am I talking out of my head or am I talking outside of your mudhole that you can’t possible see out?
There is life beyond the Atheist and ACLU mudhole Imprisonment. Just because you’re too lazy limited and confined to your mudhole cocoon does mean that we all will ever stay to be worms like you. We hear a higher calling that your too content with the mud to hear.
No wonder you say little about the life inside this Atheist mudhole cocoon that your all wrapped up in.

12 years ago

Why is it that I say I’m here trying to understand the rapist pattern as you attack our Christian nation then you push things around to ask questions on the Way I go? Then when I tell you the Way I go, you attack like a rapist to stop my heart for God. Is there some strange high that you do this?
Why didn’t you say any kind words to the parents who reading this might of lost their kids by rapist. Is it that your relationship to a rapist is closer to you than any care for these unrelated? You point fingers at me not seeing three pointing back at you.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

What rapist? Not only are you delusional about religion, you are making less sense with every post.

Next, it is NOT a “christian nation”. That’s one more lie told by the christian religious reich. The founding fathers were not christians but free thinkers as has been demonstrated countless times through their own words.

“Stop your heart for god”? There is no god and I have asked you repeatedly for proof of one. You, like all hypocrite christians, ignore that because you know that you cannot answer without sounding like more of an idiot..

What parents, what kids, what rapist? you are increasingly sounding like an insane person. But then, you have to be at least partially insane to believe the things you profess to believe.

Try to post something that makes sense. Also, stop being such an coward and answer a direct question or two. Where is your proof of any god? Where is your proof that any jesus actually existed?

Stop whining and crying and answer the questions. Stop trying to distract everyone by introducing irrelevant statements. All you are doing is making yourself look more ignorant, and that you have nothing to say that is even remotely intelligent. Don’t be a total fool, do something that resembles thinking.

12 years ago

My goodness James. you sure like throwing mudballs. Is that the only real fun that you can find to do is bashing Christian’s? I’m only here trying to understand this way of life.
I try to understand how a rapist could bad-mouth and insult any child then beat her to death and bury her that she never existed. I try to understand how anyone could beat Jesus to death and bury Him then say He never existed.
Your actions are like such. You bad-mouth, insult and beat our Christian nation down to then say our nation never existed until our love is buried.
Many attempts went this direction in Bible history and failed. Lost man never learns from the past but always repeats history. Even with this proof all you can do is bury it in the mud. That’s all you know to do and that’s so sad.

12 years ago

Hey James,
Your back, I’m surprised! I see your still Disgusted.
Denials, delays, distractions, and dissembling is mud slides which you are imprisoned in short-sightedness. You really don’t have to tell me what you see. I clearly see that I don’t belong there.
Have you sent God a knee-mail to find Him? No because your love is mud (dum) Then why ask me to bring you God when you already found mud as your all preacher James?

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

I never left you stupid SOB. Denials, delays, distractions, and dissembling are your tactics, not mine. BTW< in the first sentence, it's "you're" not "your", but proper English isn't one of your strong points, either. But when someone is a mental defective, such as you, I expect things like that. You refuse to accpet reality in anything else, so why should grammar concern you?

I am not imprisoned at all. "The truth shall set you free." Sound familiar? Your problem is, you cannot recognize truth when it is munching on your buttocks.

You are a willing prisoner of your own delusions. You have accepted the brainwashing of the religious reich.

No, you don't belong anywhere but in the hollow heart of the fantasy that you have been taught by those who only use you and the other gullible losers like you.

There is no god. I have asked you many times to furnish any proof of a god and you naturally ignore those requests. You have even lacked the courage to ask me what it would take to convince me that your god exists. DO you wonder why you are afraid to do that?

I have found truth, you have accepted lies and repeat them. I furnish you proof and verifiable evidence and you turn your back on them because your real faith is so weak it cannot stand the least amount of questioning. In your innermost mind, you know that so you must not allow any rational thought or questions.

Is it any wonder I regard you as a total fool, coward and liar? It's because that's what you are. Accept that as you accpet the lies of your religion. Then you'll be at peace with your delusions and yourself.

12 years ago

Construct a sentence. Doesn’t matter. More important is that which pleases God than that which pleases you.

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

I see you are still posting lies and evading answering even one direct question. You are a disgusting example of a human being.

You have demonstrated that you are an intellectual, ethical, and moral coward.

You have not even attempted to prove there is a god or that even one word you have posted is the truth. Instead, you engage in denials, delays, distractions, and dissembling. Like most christians, you are a fool, a liar, and a hypocrite.

Is it any wonder people view you and your fake religion with contempt and disdain?

Reply to  GeeMe
12 years ago

Today is my first day on this site and would hae to say I am surprised at the level of intellegence and patience(emphasis on patience) the forum community had with its trolls and idiots.

Secondly, doesn’t this dude kinda remind you of Yoda?

I’m no English major for sure but I really enjoy the posts.

Reply to  Rene
12 years ago

Wow! You can see the very post where the first troll ran back to the bridge and told all the others about this really great fishing hole it had found. And sure enough, once they all threw their lines in, even the bait-less hooks were swallowed. AHAHAHAHAHA! Jeez.

Of course, our concern should be that, imbeciles like these assorted Christian sock-puppeteers, vote.

We are doomed, ’cause they’re being entirely successful in pulling us all down in the desperate death-throes of their blatantly ridiculous religious beliefs.

12 years ago

Geez – do any of these true believers know how to construct a sentence?

13 years ago

Pretend? It’s your party and you can lie if you want to. Phillip I enjoyed popping Atheist bubbles that reports a cesspool of lies. Nice!
I agree, Sober up before replying to those who has put forth good effort away from this worthless mis-spelled effort that I see.

13 years ago

As a kid, on trips to town we would occasionally walk past some guy screaming about “the glory of the Lord”. My Dad would tell us he was mentally unbalanced and we should ignore him. That was in the UK.

It is still like that. These nutters exist but they are ignored or at best pitied. What I find amazing is that in the US they get airtime, media attention. massive cash subscriptions and that you bother to argue with them on blogs such as this.

I know the US is suopposed to be the land of free speech but people like LaShawn, JimMissy and GeeMe clearly have psychological problems and the kindest thing you can do is suggest they seek help. Arguing with them is taking their pathetic ramblings more seriously than they deserve and giving them unwarranted column inches.

Phillip Zuniga
Reply to  prustage95
13 years ago

I agree 100%. People such as Leshawn and Geeme are not worthy of reply. It would be better to pretend their posts and those like it do not exist. They are not worth the effert it takes to type in the letters.

Reply to  Phillip Zuniga
12 years ago

I agree with what you say. But I have the time and making people like GeeMee exhibit their stupidity and lack of communication skills is amusing.

The best part is, the worse they look, the more they seem to enjoy it. That alone demonstrates a degree of mental illness that, if it were anyone but religion, would quickly cause them to be committed to an institution for the seriously mentally deficient.

In the meantime, I can have some amusement before someone comes to gently lead them away and dose them with some Thorazine.

13 years ago

At first I thought the story itself was hilarious, then I saw the encore presentation in the comments. Internet gold!

Especially since everyone knows God and Satan are metaphors for the good and evil that is in all of us. I mean, everyone but the people whose lives would be affected most by that knowledge, that is.

13 years ago

I been called a pink Elephant also Caily. The Atheist bottle makes you see alot that is not there. Sounds like your so drunk to the point of throwing up to me how I make you sick. I’ll just walk around this vomit of perversion.

13 years ago

I love you Rob Curry.

Geemee is a troll, me thinks.

Jacob Risner
13 years ago

Hey Rob
I have to say that i personally dont agree with any one theory or perspective. Do i belive there is a God, yes I do but am i willing to put forth so much time effort and meaningless chatter and thus push any one thing i belive on another person, no and ill explain why. First let me start by saying i rather enjoyed reading the post between yourself and Ms.Lashawn it intriuged me becouse ive been through church after church and ive seen the same thing time and time again. The people that go to these churches 9 times out of 10 are fakes to put it bluntly becouse these speak of love and compassion and allowing people to choose for themselves, yet at every turn i notice that they seem to make the world revolve round themselves or tthere church not God as i think they should. Do i believe that any person should worship another deity or nothing at all no but am i that person no so therfor it makes no diffrence in any form anyway. Now after saying that i would like to point out that i care not as to whom or what any person decides to pray to or to worship or hell if they dont want to worship anything at all. I have several friends that are of diffrent kinds of religions as well as a few that are of no religion at all and i think most of them would like to meet you or even speak to you. I agree with you on some points, if a person is trying to make an argument and in trying to do so make themselves look like an idiot then i feel the argument in question isnt worth the effort of a rebuddle. but at the same time i think that some people need to argue there point becouse it gives them that since of righteousness. This Lashawn woman in my oppinion is the deffinition of a FAKE CHRISTIN, and i think this becouse she puts forth entirely to much pride in herself when the faith she so strongly trys to defend has nothing to do with her as an individual, the whole thing with her and the man dieing infront of her jst makes her seem even more fake becouse personally i doubt God as i know him would ever do such a thing to anyone regardless of there religious prefrence. So i say to you now continue on the path your on if thats what you feel is right for you and know that not all people that believe in God are as shallow and one sided as this pittiful woman.
SPC. Jacob Risner

13 years ago

Nothing really exist outside of mud to you James. I put the pressure on and squeeze but only dirt comes out. You’re really full of it. Time to go and wash my hands.
Thank you for sharing with me…

13 years ago

I knew you would freeze dead in your tracks to really not face God. Your all mouth and no action.
Blaming John’s message as from me shows how you can goof easy with what you have before you. Truth staring you in the face and yet you made error not seeing it. God sends truth and you made another big error not seeing it.
You don’t see well then you want me to believe what you have is truth. I hope you now hear why this mud is worthless that what you say is not worthy of my trust.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

I did not “freeze dead in my tracks”, you lying scumbag. How could I face a god that does not exist?

As always, you try to distract from the real issue that you gave again evaded my direct questions.

Doesn’t it bother you even a little that you consistently show yourself to be a liar and a coward?

Tell you what, you little mental midget, bring forth your god. Show him to be so I can spit in his eye and kick him where is gonads would be if he were not a spineless, eunuch liar like you.

YOu are the one afraid of the truth. I have put forth proof of what I say while you refuse to look at it, do not provide proof of anything you say, and have tried to disprove one word I have said.

There is no god and no truth in any of it. You can lie, deny, distract, and delay. That will not change the facts. All it does is confirm you are a coward, liar, and despicable human being.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

I posted four simple questions above and you lacked the integrity or intellectual honesty to even try to answer them.

That alone shows what a dishonest coward you are. Until you work up the courage to at least try, I’ll never respond to any of your insane ramblings again.

I know you’ll never do it because you have made it very clear what kind of disgusting person you are.

Game over. Atheists, infinity. You, zero.

13 years ago

Your god is man-made, too. You are simply too obstinately ignorant to understand that. YOU cannot furnish any proof that your beliefs are any more than stupid superstitions.

You are doing the evading, as always. How am I evading anything? Just because you invent something out of the cesspool of your empty head, that doesn’t make it true to anyone but your self.

No, I am not ready for anything from your non-existent god. Prove any god exists, you evade that question every time.That’s because you are a coward afraid to face facts.

The is no god! Prove there is? Isn’t that simple enough for even someone of your limited intellect to understand? Probably not, a stubbornly stupid fool like you couldn’t under stand 2+2 without fingers to count on.

You have already proven you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. SO here’s the parting comment. YOu are fortunate there is no heaven or hell. If there were, you would surely be in hell already. Go jump off a cliff , improve the average IQ of the human race, and meet your god.

13 years ago

I love God because He first loved me. Zeus, Aphrodite, Thor,or Apollo is a man made god of this and that but God is the God of all that no man made. He opens a door that no man can shut and He shuts a door that no man can open. Honesty, whose doing the evading?
I am not here for the applause of men. I ask you a question are you ready for a bath that the living God can be found. Yes or No, a simple question. He’s the God of Abraham, Jacob and Issac. He’s the Everlasting Father.
I know you see many man made god’s thats full of dirt that you wallow in but the Holy God does not fit there.
I believe you been hiding in the mud for years and really afraid to take a bath. I hope you prove me a liar.

13 years ago

You keep spinning your tires James saying prove God exists with your hearing and eyesight blocked with mud perversion that you can’t see nothing else. The mud is so heavy that you can’t stand up for good. You need a bath before you can grasp proof. I can’t bring you proof. God will answer your request but not till you get a bath first. Do you want to know how to get a bath or do you only understand mud?

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

Yep, just as I suspected, you evade the answer as usual. Then try these.

1. Define what you mean by “god”
2. Why do you believe in your god?
3. Do you believe in Zeus, Aphrodite, Thor, or Apollo?
4. If 3 is yes? Why. If no, Why not?

Those are simple, direct questions. I typed very slowly so even someone of your obviously limited mental prowess could understand. Are you gong to answer or hide as always? Only a moral and mental coward would evade these questions. I can answer all of them. But I’m not afraid of facts. Are you? (That’s a rhetorical question, everyone already knows you are)

Well, the ball is in your court. Not answering will demonstrate to everyone that you have no answers and are not intelligent enough to even invent something faintly believable.

13 years ago

Yes James, you don’t have to number and confess your faults to me. Take em to Jesus. I’m just a mere man full of mistakes like you. I’m not perfect but am forgiven.
Everything is a lie to you because you see through the eyes of Satan. The master liar has always been at war to erase God. His desire is what your in bondage too. Atheist is ugly proof that God allowed that man can see the fury of death that you have bowed to its trickery.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

Yes, you are full of mistakes. First and foremost is believing in an obviously fake religion. YOu are not forgiven because there is nothing to forgive you. It’s all a delusion on your part. You’re just too willfully stupid to see it.

Not everything is a lie to me. Just the nonsense that issues from you. There is no satan any more than there is a god. YOu have to prove the existence of either, but you are such a coward mentally, that you ignore it every time. Why are you so afraid? Do you know in your heart thay you have been a fool to believe in this religion scam?

The master liars are the people that have been deluding you into following such claptrap. You are right behind them with your own shameful ways of repeating those lies.

God does not need to be erased because no god exists. What needs to be erased are the delusion that have taken over what’s left of your intellect.

Atheists are proof that not every human being is an unthinking hypocrite, liar and fool.

The only one that has bowed to trickery is you. IT has you so firmly in its grasp that you won’t even try to prove that I am wrong and you are right.

I directly challenge you. Prove to me the existence of any god. Either do it or admit you are a fool and a liar. But then, anyone reading your posts already knows that.

YOu didn’t even answer one of the points I made before. That’s how we all know that you have no moral character, no intellectual prowess, and are indeed, a hypocrite, fool and a liar. Answer a question for once in your wasted life.

13 years ago

You make me laugh James when you shot off your mouth so blindly and John gets a face full. Sorry John I know its not funny to you. James handled it as he always does, blaming me or Christians. James, My mother was never a B_t_h.
And James I thought you heard enough out of me and shut the door. I was surprised seeing your message at the door opening up a new can of worms. Sure I used google to search in what I knew was there already to use copy and paste instead of pecking.
John I will check out what you want me to see that I can later give you a concrete answer not deluted with speculated intrepretation. ok, Thanks for sharing with me.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

GeeMe, we have learned several things from your posts.

1. Your command of the English language is rather poor and you are proud of sounding like an illiterate troll. Oops, wait, that’s what you are.

1. YOu have no concept of logic or even truth. No one is surprised. YOu rejected truth and logic when you accepted your religion.

3. You are not interested in honest dialog, but only in preaching to people. Again, it’s no surprise. Honest dialog is not healthy for any religion.

4. You will try never give an honest answer to direct questions. Why should you? That would only reveal more of your ignorance and that you have no answers.

5. You would rather tell a lie than the truth. Considering that your religion was founded upon lies, it’s natural that it would attract liars.

6. No amount of revealing your lack of intellectual agility embarrasses you. You are beyond shame at your lies and attempts to distract, deny, and delay.

Ask yourself, “Why am I so terrified of examining a few simple facts about religion? Is my faith so shaky that even thinking a little will blow it away like smoke in a hurricane?” Or is it that, deep down, you know all religion is a scam but you take comfort in believing what you know isn’t true because it allows you to mouth platitudes instead of facts, and avoid any real thinking about anything?

I know you will never respond truthfully and rationally to any of these. They are really there to point out what others have seen. Ethical and intellectual cowards like you always hide from real discourse.

13 years ago

What you consider name calling is only simple statements of observed fact. It isn’t name calling when it is true. You are an ethical and intellectual coward as well as a fool and a liar.

You are still dodging the direct questions and hide behind nonsense. You might also look up “perverted”. It is obviously your favorite word and, just as obviously, you don’t know what it means. But then, like most theists anything you say, no matter how ignorant, always means what you want it to mean.

A final challenge. Prove that one word I have posted to you in not true. Prove one word you have posted is true. YOu can do it, dodge it or STFU.

Here is an insult. You are a dumb SOB that should be in an institution for the mentally deficient. Wait, that’s the truth, too.

13 years ago

Glad you got to see that I didn’t bow to your perverted ways. Your name calling is what immature kids do in their temper tantrums. Like you said you will never grow up but stay the same.
You really don’t want anything but the pleasure of being a bully. I see nothing good in being a bully but its you life. But know this, you can hurt some people some of the time but not all the people, all the time… Byeeee

13 years ago

I’m peculiar also. I laugh at Satan. I hate that Scum-bucket. Satan all fired up with you having a short fuse. What a way to go.
Interesting how you and Satan both used the same words, [Jump off a cliff] Jesus didn’t fall for it and neither shall I. of course you do blow up alot.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

Satan doesn’t exist as neither does your god or jesus. YOu are a fool and arrogant about your stupidity.

YOu lie and always evade direct questions. Prove to me that one word you have said is true. Show me in tiny bit of evidence about your silly god. Prove to me that even one word I have said about you or your religion is not true.

You are a liar, a coward and a total jerk. I have never had any patience with stupidity. YOu are the reason for my lack of patience as you are among the most stubbornly stupid people of all time. Until you man up a bit and answer a direct question instead of hiding behind nonsense crap, I’ll not bother responding to you again. I hate all religions, especially yours. Religion has been the worst influence on humanity of anything in history. I’d rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother as a preacher. At least the sister would be giving genuine value for the money. Your religion steals and lies while returning nothing.

13 years ago

Yes James, I seen it all.
Another claim made by those who would like to discredit the virgin birth.
Mithras (born out of a rock wall) this is untrue.

Horus was an Egyptian “god”
His father was torn apart. His mother a “goddess” put his father back together & made a mummy of him. Then she had sex with him & became pregnant with Horus.

How is this story similar to Jesus in anyway?
In fact, there are few, if any, written records from Mithraic worshippers explaining their beliefs. Much of the information that we have about Mithraism comes from scholars who offer speculative interpretations of Mithraic artwork, which began to appear a few centuries after the time of Jesus. So whatever similarities there might be between Christianity and Mithraism, it would be easier to speculate that Mithraism borrowed from Christianity, not the other way around.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

YOu “seen” them all” It’s “saw” you illiterate. You are also a liar . you never visited even one. Your description of them tells me that, like most “christians” upi are a hypocrite and a liar.

How is this story similar to jebus? You ignorant POS. YOu didn’t read it at all, did you? YOu are a disgusting example of a human being. You are a liar, hypocrite and a fool. But that describes most theists, especially christians. If you had read what I posted, you would see that Horus was from 3000 BC. Mithra is a bit newer, 2000 BC. But you are such an arrogant idiot that you can’t even lie effectively. oOn’t you ever get tired og demonstrating that you are a fool?

Go jump off a cliff and raise the average IQ of the human race. That will also make the world a better place, too

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago


You are confusing Gods. For a more scholarly refutation of the Mithraic / Jesus relationship, see this:


However, the author here makes a fundamentally flawed assumption. He forgets the Apostle Paul connection and what Paul’s agenda was. Paul was in the process of uniting the Mithraic worshipers and the Jews into a new religion. He had to appeal to both for political reasons.

While I tentatively disagree with the article, it is the first one I have seen that was written by someone who was not completely confused, meaning someone who didn’t just Google something to find support for his position.

Reply to  John Myste
13 years ago

How am I confusing gods when the only mention of Mithra in the above post is at then end when I differentiate between the dates of Horus and Mithra?

Maybe you should read the post a bit more closely. It is easy to confuse the two, Horus and Mithra because they are so similar.

I agree about Paul stealing from the old myths to make a more palatable story for his religion that appears to have been created from Paul’s plans alone.

Reply to  James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
13 years ago


I was speaking to Gee, not you. That is why I started my comoment with this:

Gee, …

I will take on faith that I should pay closer attention to what I read, though.

Reply to  John Myste
13 years ago

Oops, Maybe I should read things more closely. I only read it in the email notification, not here and I’m not sure everything came through as it should.

In any case, I’m so used to seeing nonsense from Gee maybe I have been conditioned to expect that? Heh Heh

A simple man
Reply to  GeeMe
10 years ago

Michael…. Not only are you correct, it has already happened. Fortunately however a new generation of skeptical and clearer headed youths are capable of contrasting religion against knowledge and finding knowledge to have the greater benefit.

I salute these clear headed youngsters. I left Christianity at about 10 years of age, recognizing religion for the scam it desires to spread. I have never since found the desire or need to look back. However, I have on many occasions found a desperate need to conceal my position with regard to religion. The ignorant fools were in a mob mentality and unapproachable. They had murder on their minds. On several occasions, single individuals became so insulted that another might not agree with their blind beliefs that they threatened physical harm and dropped into a blind rage.

The religious lies are difficult to detect until the average men and women decide to look closely and think sceptically. Since the average population of America has no desire to look for truth and study the fallacies of their religion, religion will be with us until each new generation develops a bit more of that that fine and necessary skeptical outlook that is needed to counter the stupidity religion counts on. As we know, religion requires both a blatant stupidity and that blind desire to follow what religion claims as true.

Religion will someday change as this God fades into the fog that has taken every other god, compacting them into a common place in history. A place of obscurity.

Some 70,000 former Gods, many with equally ardent followers, have been quickly resigned to obscurity–to never be accepted as a god again. People have this strange ability to change gods and belief systems as easily as an incoming god alters the shape of history by overwhelming a willing culture and the social network that they accept. Christians become Jews, Muslims become Mormons, and each accepts the new god without pause. Why is this possible? Because without knowledge and a solid understanding of their religion, they truly are not losing anything.

Your choice of a God is mostly a result of your geographical positioning at birth and your parents empty but socially/culturally demanded belief system.

All those former gods to consider and still they can’t see the forest for all those trees. Religion can only be practiced by the undereducated and the stupid. It is not acceptable to those who can think.

13 years ago

James, I admire your perseverance. You want much with questions and a heart that can’t accept what is needed. I give you a direction to find God and your too lazy to find Him yourself and then lay there accusing me of avading to give proof of God. What a low down sneaky perverted way to use the word evaded to cover up your own laziness.
God doesn’t exist is another perverted way to honor man made gods. Your life revolves around perverting and stirring up trouble then somehow blame the Christians. They blamed Jesus first and an innocent man died. So it’s no surprise your desire to destroy.
I don’t really care of any man made perversions that you dug up in the past that is similar to Jesus walk. Perversions is only dust in the wind.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

YOU are really a stubbornly stupid person. You are also such a coward ethically and intellectually. You accuse me of being lazy bu,t unlike you, O have the courage and the drive to look up the facts. You won’t do that for fear you might learn the truth. BTW< it's "evading, not "avading". Not only are your ignorant about religion, you are determined to stay ignorant about everything else.

You are also a liar. My life does not revolve around "perverting and stirring up trouble" But christians are evil people that try to force their sick ideas upon everyone else by passing them into laws. For that, they are arrogant and evil. My desire to destroy what? Religion? Yes, it is the greatest evil aver created my men and should be destroyed.

You are fixated upon the word "perversion". Maybe that is an inner admission of your own life and religion?

I know you are too cowardly to look up the myths and lies that founded christianity but here is just one for you. Also look up Attis and Mithra. But you won't dare. You have stopped thinking and are terrified of truth.

Journal Entry: Wed Feb 11, 2009, 7:47 PM

Horus, 3000, BC

Horus was born of a virgin and the only begotten son of the God Osiris. He was born in a cave to his foster father Seb (Egyptian for Jo-Seph) and Meri and his birth was heralded by the morning star Sirius. Meri knew she was gonna have a baby because she was told by an angel.

Horus was born mid to late December at the time of the Winter solstice and his birth was announced by angels. Three dieties came to witness the birth of Horus.

Herut tried to have Horus murdered but the god, That, tells Meri to take Horus and go hide. Horus came of age when he was 12 but there isn't much told of him until he reached 30 years of age. At that point he was baptized in the River Eridanus by Anup the Baptizer, who was subsequently beheaded.

Horus was later lead out from the desert up to a high mountain where he was tempted by Sut (a.k.a. Set) but Horus resisted the temptation.

Horus did all sorts of miraculous things. He walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, and "stilled the sea by his power." He even raised his Father, Asar, from the dead.

The place where this miracle took place was Anu. If you do a little digging, an odd thing comes to light. The Hebrews added their prefix for house (beth) to "anu" to produce "Beth-Anu" or "The House of Anu". Since "Y" and "U" were interchangeable in antiquity "Bethanu" became "Bethany", a location, oddly enough found in the Bible in John 11.

Asar was an alternative name for Osirus, Horus' father, who he raised from the dead. He was referred to as "the Asar" as a sign of respect. Translated into Hebrew, this is "El-Asar". The Romans added the prefix "us" to indicate a male name, producing "Elasarus". Over time the "E" was dropped and the "S" became a "Z" producing….Lazarus.

Horus gives a very eloquent sermon on a mountain but they crucify him and put him in a tomb.

He is resurrected 3 days later, and some women tell everyone. Then he's supposed to come back and rule the Earth.
Happy ending.

Unlike you, I am not lazy intellectually, or ethically. I was not afraid to examine the truth and do the research.

This is just one myth. That was stolen to create the lie that is Christianity. A religion founded upon a lie seems to attract liars.

Your beliefs are what is "dust in the wind."

A simple man
Reply to  James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
10 years ago

James, there is almost zero possibility of having someone so deeply a victim of religious coercive persuasion find the surface–something above his brainwashing–seep downward into his repressed consciousness and cause him to reflect with an open mind.

He had no ability whatsoever to consider anything that may (in his mental state) seem to contradict his childhood training and the insertion of the permanent fears with the easy escape.

That first deeply set fear is that of Hell and endless torture, and then the easy escape, of only having to follow Jesus. No one was there to introduce the thought that hell doesn’t exist, that God and Jesus do not exist–meaning that religion is just an attempt to scare you as it has millions of others so you too will become a church goer and tithe heavily.

Religion is for money–only that. It has been working for years to find the best methods of frightening the ignorant young children and getting them to tithe.

Sadly, religion is very successful–especially on those as ignorant as GeeMee. He’s trapped in religious brainwashing an if he is over 35, it’s possibly permanent.

Sad to see so many spend their life trapped through a brainwashing, unable to know they have been brainwashed.

The church should be condemned. It destroys people and creates hate and mystery.

13 years ago

I don’t demand anything from you because you have nothing that’s worth to sell an eternity for. You sell your eternity so cheaply and then condemn Christians who choose life.
Without God we are worthless and with God you condemn us as worthless. You call Evil good and good evil. Your Father is Satan who perverts therefore all you know to do is to pervert.
You have no love to find God because your love is perversion. All you do is only a spec of time in all eternity and in Heaven all such thunder will never be heard of again. Proof is in the pudding.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

You can’t demand a thing even though that’s what you ignorant theists like to do. Demand respect, demand special privileges, and get a free ride on everything from taxes to flouting the law.

Even so, you are cowards and refuse to answer direct questions because you know you have no answers and would have to admit it.

With your god, you are worthless and wallow in your ignorance.

There is no god to find. Prove there is a god. Do you believe in Zeus, Aphrodite, or Ra? Why don’t you answer the question you cowardly moron!

I have lots of love in my life, but how can you love what doesn’t exist? I don’t hate god either. For the same reason, you can’t hate what doesn’t exist and never has.

There is no afterlife, no eternity in anything. So stop wasting your time with an idiotic religion that is all lies and do some good for yourself and others now.

What proof? I asked you many times for proof and you lie and evade giving any. You are a disgrace to rational people everywhere. But your religion was founded upon lies, so it’s natural that it would attract liars. You never looked up Attis, Horus, and Mithra did you? What are you afraid of? The truth? I am sure you are. Truth and rational thinking are fatal to any religion. Especially yours.

Here’s a suggestion from one Brother Dave Gardener. “Obey the biblical imperative to go forth and multiply thyself.”

13 years ago

Evidence you desire James because you are a worshipper of what the flesh can do and can’t get beyond this problem to see what God has done. God is over our heads so looking down in a microscope is the wrong way.
You demand an impossible task for us to bring you God because God is Spirit and not flesh. All flesh will die but God is forever more. Man has made many god’s in the flesh and the road is wide with traffic that leads to death but the Only Way is narrow to walk in the Spirit.
Satan is our real enemy that its way is the way of death. Satan is the reason that you worship other strange ways that you can’t see God’s Way. I can do nothing to remove Satan, only God can do this.
By faith in God will you find Him. No wonder your so frustrated. God is not far and you can find Him with a whole heart. He accepts a broken heart also as long as He gets all the pieces. In your own fleshly strength you will walk defeated. In God’s saving hands will you find what you demand my hands to bring.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

GeeMe, you are like every other christian I have ever known. First, you are a fool. Most are also liars or hypocrites. Often they are all three at the same time.

You refuse proof because you don’t have any so you babble nonsense that only makes you look like the ignorant person that you choose to be. Yes, you choose to believe obvious lies and participate in the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon humanity.

I am not frustrated, I am sick of morons like you demanding “respect” when you deserve none. I am angry that you insist upon forcing your sick, twisted beliefs upon everyone else.

There is no god. If there were, he would reveal himself to the world. Instead, deluded fools like you evade direct questions, tell outrageous lies and then try to squirm away from the truth with distractions and verses from the bobble, otherwise known as “the book of lies”

Most of the problems of the world are, and always have been, caused by religion. For example, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and family planning clinic bombing in the USA. Then there were the crusades, the inquisition, and the dark ages. Get the idea?

Humanity will never truly be free until the black yoke of religion is lifted by the clear light of truth and rational thinking.

Prove that one word I have said is not true, or just slink away like the mental and ethical coward that you are.

13 years ago

I don’t worship what you worship Shawn so I have nothing to offer at your altar. You sacrifice your all to the small space of your head and give our nation a headache. Your drunk with degradation and dance naked without the fabric of In God we Trust. I promise the day will come that this nakeness will bring you great shame.
My clothing stays on with In God I Trust no matter how you storm to blow it off. Your loud thunder rumbles across our land but God hath put a rainbow there that thunder has never stopped nor will it ever.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

You stupid SOS, you have nothing to offer anyone. Your only exhibit your ignorance and demands that others behave as stupidly as you do.

“In god we trust” was instituted in the 1950s as a reaction to communism. Not as you lying christians try to tell every one.

Your great shame is you deny the evidence of your senses, reject rational thinking and remain willfully ignorant and stubbornly stupid.

Furnish one bit of proof of any god. No one will hold their breath waiting for intelligent statements from you

13 years ago

You degraded yourself by accepting to preach Atheism and embrace death to In God we Trust. You degrade our forefathers. You degrade God’s People. You degrade our Grammer our spelling. You degrade our nation our world. Worse than all you degrade God and bring damnation to yourself. Intellect is your god and I will not have perfect english at your altar.
Planned Parenthood degrades the unborn to death and Homo’s degrades man to shame. You degrade man to a dead end. How dirty to blame the backbone for the worlds condition when trouble came as foretold by the backbone that now you condemn.
In Gods Word we’re foretold that we won’t be able to buy or sell without a mark on our forehead or arm. That day is coming. What death do you embrace to kill this truth?

Shawn William Smith
Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

Learn how to use the English language before you type things on a webpage. You not only have no clue as to the actual history of this country, but you’re completely ignorant as to reality in general. Stop falling back on God, you’re an ignorant moron who does not understand life. That doesn’t mean someone wants you to be alive. You’re worthless, and hopeless. Put a bullet in your head.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

GeeMe, you degrade yourself by revealing your lack of intelligence, rational thinking, and the inability to put even your own silly ideas into comprehensible sentences. You worship ignorance, suppression of free speech, and rejection of obvious facts.

In short, you are a disgrace to the human race.

There is not god and you have yet to furnish one tiny bit of evidence in your favor. Instead, you continue to rant and preach like the idiot you are.

Robert E. Lee
13 years ago

WTF is this nonsense? Hey there Gee, do you own a dictionary? Do you know how to use spell check? This is barely readable, so let me leave you with this: Your God and his silly son do not exist. There was a guy named Jesus. He got married, had a kid, pissed off a bunch of people and got executed whereupon he was buried just like any other dead person. Now I know you’re a little on the dim side, correction, a lot on the dim side, being lack of intellect a common denominator among fundamentalist Christians.

13 years ago

Tricky the way you all use degrading comments as bait to lure in those who has a backbone that our forefathers had with in God we trust. Like a mousetrap you lie to snap and break the backbone. Many rats are out today like the Atheist who worships intellect, Budda, Sungods, and Satan.
Atheist, Homosexuals, Planned Parenthood, ACLU to name a few needs to be sent to the terriost to preach death to their god, to pervert their kids to except Homo’s perversion, and preach kill the unborn. Death you embrace will be death they’ll give you. You all worship Death so much then please go.

Reply to  GeeMe
13 years ago

Gee, you are so uninformed you believe any of the BS you’ve been fed. Our forefathers didn’t start the “In god we trust” nonsense. Learn a little so you don’t sound like a total moron. But wait, moron and christian are semantically equal, aren’t they?

Being a theists, nothing you say is too stupid to embarrass you, is it? Before you start whining about insults, what you perceive as insults are only statements of observed facts. If you don;t like the facts, learn to think for yourself and check the truth of your assertions before you post them.

You also might look up Horus Mithra, and Attis to see where the jesus myth was stolen. A religion founded upon lies will continue to lie and attract other liars. Maybe you should be a little more critical in your thinking and more careful about checking the facts.

13 years ago

Most of the problems of the world are, and always have been, caused by religion. For example, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and family planning clinic bombing in the USA. Then there were the crusades, the inquisition, and the dark ages. Get the idea?

Humanity will never truly be free until the black yoke of religion is lifted by the clear light of truth and rational thinking.

Michael John Scott
Reply to  James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
13 years ago

Agreed 100%!

13 years ago

Water, food, shelter, and sleep are things that we’re thankful for that matter has no ears to hear. You can make a God out of water and thank it and live a lie. Satan don’t care what you worship just as long as it is not the true God that see’s and hears.
You live a lie Cory and theres no doubt in my mind about that. You are most truthful with words that you have been given but you live a lie with the absense of God to exalt muscles of the flesh in His place. You flexed logic for exaltation that I bow to such a matter with measure. Your matter is not my treasure.
Thank you for being honest with where you are in life as the absense of God weighed only in death. What a heavy trip to fall and measure darkness thru-out eternity.
Your true friend, Jimm… Byeee

Reply to  JimMissy
13 years ago

That was a complete and total failure. Nonsense phrases and baseless claims are the best you can do? And yet you presumably started this conversation voluntarily.

13 years ago

Jesus spoke in parables and some needed more light to see. I guess that’s what you’re asking of me. I’d do my best, ok.

What is the basis for your claim that we were created to worship?
The basics I’ll repeat. “A real pull that aches to be filled.” To your understanding the inner man or the soul of man craves to worship God while the flesh makes anything a god for its comfort. Today we have many idols and gods made to satsify this ache in man. Confusion galore. If we weren’t created to worship then why all this pull to worship?
To recognize the presence of the inner self within us is a godly gift bestowed on us by Almighty God. It is only the power of discrimination and logistics that makes a man arrive at the right conclusions. All the atheists in the world are not damned for that matter… everyone has a right to live!
Someone asks how you are doing, and you say “good” even though you feel crummy inside shows inner truth that flesh hid. So since flesh hides the truth of inner man will it not hide the truth of God also?
I hope I have explained the basics with evidence knowing the flesh is without materialism to touch that it is comforted but like I said I’m not here for the aplaused of the flesh.
How can you tell me that logic is not your worship when your whole life is centered around it? God is dead in every word you share while your flesh party’s with a lie. I know it’s your party and you can live a lie if you want to but really Cory, do you really think that this is a very smart thing to do?

Reply to  JimMissy
13 years ago

You’re accusing me of lying, when I’m doing no such thing. Or, you’re accusing me of pretending not to believe, which is bizarre. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnbXlkNavwo]

I don’t buy your “need to worship” argument. I haven’t worshiped for years, still doing fine. Better, in fact, as I’m no longer as depressed or self-loathing, and I’ve learned to think for myself (something my pastor father and oppressive mother both actively discouraged).

And my whole life isn’t centered around logic (where did you get that nonsense?), but around living life. Further, if the definition of “worship” is only “living your life around something,” that’s a pretty weak definition. You live your life around the need for water, food, shelter, and sleep–obviously, you’re worshiping those things. e_e

A mixed metaphor does not a parable make.

And the light/dark dichotomy is a false one. There is no such thing as darkness, but only of lower levels of light. A very dark room is still better lit than an even darker one. This, of course, does not change the contents of the room in any way, so your well-lit room of corpses is not any better than a very dark one. It might even be worse.

At any rate, it’s become clear to me that you’re incapable of debating this in a charitable fashion. I tried, I offered, but all you gave me/us was another series of arrogant, faith-based nonsense.

I wish you luck in your travels. Goodbye.

13 years ago

Cory Thank you for not blowing up at me with insults. God is love, does not say God is logical. Love always first and is most important. I didn’t say God doesn’t like logic, just placing it as god is wrong so no contradiction here.
We were created to worship God and if not God then we will worship something. You have choose logic to be your god. This is wrong but your choice. You preach logic as the way to go and I preach Jesus is the Way to go. Why do you create a god out of logic? Was there a place in your heart reserved already to worship that had to be satsified for logic to move in? This pull in your heart for God, why is it there? A real pull that aches to be filled. If it didn’t ache then why is logic there?
Has logic made a way to measure darkness alone in the dark without light? Is this beyond logical grasp? Logic is limited by something greater. And since there is greater here then how can you tell me that there is no God by your logic?

Reply to  JimMissy
13 years ago

I don’t have time just now to visit everything you’ve said, here.

What is the basis for your claim that we were created to worship? [Color me Socrates.]

>You preach logic as the way to go and I preach Jesus is the Way to go. Why do you create a god out of logic?

I don’t do either of those things. In fact, I’d rather make the claim that if anyone at all says that they know “The Answer” that they’re probably full of shit. Indeed, I believe fundamentally that your guess is as good as mine.

I think that might be why I get so irritated when folks like yourself preach *certainty* as opposed to *inquiry*. Not just theists, but absolutists of many shades–atheists included.

Humans can live good, meaningful lives without thinking that everything depends on one particular demigod’s death and resurrection.

>Has logic made a way to measure darkness alone in the dark without light?

Actually, yes, it has. Literally. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photometer#Photon_counting] Photon counting can be sued to demonstrate that one region of spacetime is darker than another.

If you’re speaking in metaphor, do you mind putting it more plainly, and losing the metaphor? Being poetic is fine, but it’s hard to see what sort of argument you’re trying to make if you obfuscate it like that (ie, i suppose, “making it darker instead of illuminating it.”)

More tonight.

13 years ago

Also, since we’re quoting scripture out of context to prove a point, whatever happened to “Test everything. Hold on to the good?” Science rules, even to SOLOMON and PAUL. 😉

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