The Alternative Facts Tell Us Liberals Want To Roast Puppies

A welcome respite from the nonsense commercials we’re exposed to is the wonderful ads put out by my good friends at Americans for Prosperity.

Wind and Rain: Denying the Storm of Reality

Chances are you’ve seen the video of the reporter bracing himself against a wind that doesn’t seem to be blowing on anyone else, so I won’t share it here.

Florida Legislator and Religious Fanatic Who Thanked God For Slavery Is Once Again Under Investigation

In case you’ve forgotten or missed the story entirely,  Kim Daniels is the Florida state representative who gained infamy by stating… 

Report: Almost Half of US Cell Phone Calls Will Be Scams By Next Year

Many of us are already conditioned to ignore phone calls from unknown numbers. A new study seems to validate that Modus Operandi.

On Relationships: It’s A Question of Settling

I usually don’t make a habit of writing about relationships but this commentary has been burning in me so I thought this might be a good time.

Boris Johnson And the Suicide Vest

Boris Johnson has been behaving like Boris Johnson again.