Never in the face

As The We Are Woman March on Washington DC, April 28th, 2012 begins to grow and reach others, I paused this afternoon and was transported back in time. It was the mid 1980’s, and I was being punched in the stomach by someone who said they loved me. I got punched a lot, but never in the face.

Mad Mike’s Blog Round Up February 18, 2012

Did you know February was teen dating violence month? Have you heard about the poor tiger imprisoned at a trashy LA truck stop? Darrell Issa showed his true colors last week during his own hearings. These stories right here:

BREAKING: Herman Cain OUT: Suspends presidential campaign

Herman Cain’s big decision was announced to an attentive media and supporters gathered in a festive atmosphere for the opening of his new state headquarters in Atlanta.

Liberals attack Herman Cain-Who are the bigots now?

Attacks on Herman Cain show it’s the left that are the bigots.

7 Top Stories of the Week in Pictures IV

What a week this has been. Herman Cain buried up to his neck in scandal, the Bieb with a baby? How about Kim Kardashian? Who cares about Kim Kardashian? Then there’s the whole IMF thing and Groupon not to mention Occupy Oakland.

I Believe in Mama Bears

Don’t poke the bears. Especially, don’t poke the mama bear’s cubs. Duh.

The complex and dangerous world of verbal bullying

Bullying, including verbal bullying, takes its toll on young minds. Read about it here……

Abuse is a crime no matter the victim

Sometimes things are just so obvious, you wonder why it takes so long for officialdom to catch on. This should be established nation-wide.

Critter Talk: “Dog wars: Raise your dog to beat the best”

Dr. Patty speaks out on Google’s latest Android phone application that helps education our youth on how to fight dogs. Read the article to learn more about this horrible phone app.