Aussie Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Muslims: Live with our beliefs or get out

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The text was supposed to be taken from a speech given by newly elected Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.  It’s validity is in question but it’s being presented here for your reading pleasure.

For example she allegedly said that Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques.

Here is the “speech” in its entirety:

Take It Or Leave It.

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.

If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.”

The fact is there is no evidence Julia Gillard ever made such a speech. This is a hoax, it is also an example of how the hate groups around the world spread their message. Lies, lies and more lies.

In the wake of the Tuscon massacre we are seeing more rhetoric from individuals saying Jared Lee Loughner is Jewish, and a liberal because it is possible he read Karl Marx and the famous socialist, Adolf Hitler.

Sarah Palin’s now infamous “Blood Libel” statement has angered Jews and Gentiles alike, but her followers are cheering her on because they want to believe, like Palin does, that her violent imagery played no part in Loughner’s actions.

These examples portray the exception in America, not the normal course of behavior, despite what the mainstream media will have us believe.  Regardless, small bombs can make a lot of noise and they can cause a lot of damage.  In reality, people like Sarah Palin and her ilk are “small bombs” but in the greater scheme of things they can cause explosions beyond their size and the shrapnel that is broadcast can have serious consequences.

Sadly, the media is out of the control of the people.  It is driven by profit and sensationalism drives that profit.  Some news outlets such as Fox News, is beyond the pale.  Their rhetoric drives hate and encourages violence both through their direct and subliminal messages.  Unfortunately they have a huge following, and that following buys their advertising products, which drives up revenue for the empire of Roger Ailes et al.  While MSNBC is touted as the left wing version of Fox News it doesn’t come close to the vitriol perpetrated by those at Propaganda Central.

In conclusion there is nothing for it.  Those of us with sane and reasoning minds understand poison for what it is.  However, we live in a country where over 40% think creationism, not evolution, is responsible for life on earth.  So much for those with sane and reasoning minds.

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Marsha Woerner
9 years ago

Have any of you gone back and reread what you posted? You all claim that you’re right, and everyone else is wrong, and whatever group to which you belong is the ONE that’s not racist and is tolerant! To be honest, I find this whole stream disgusting!

9 years ago

You come there on your own accord. Nobody compelled you to come there. Some of you came there to seek shelter from the ravages and brutality you see in your countries. Now, for you to complain, criticize that country you now call your home, is so absurd. Better get out of there because it does not suit your desires. You complain about racism there, so do not go there. why stick it out there and forever complain? Idiots. You have your own home, your own country and yet you try to move into another country as if that country you find will stoop too low to accommodate you and your whims…

10 years ago

Well I’m a Muslim and everyone should respect other religion and also were not the only ones so just respect and its none of your buissness so get over it

10 years ago

I don’t want to live under any religious law, so while we are on the subject… Christians can take their stuff and leave too, AFAIAC.

I do not condone hoaxing people using someone else’s name. Cowardly.

10 years ago

very good dear p m j. gillard. throw out of aal muslim in ur contry bqz thy rilegon titch make islaam populetion ++++ bqz his koran titch. throw out aal muslim his terrorist religen.

10 years ago

very good dear p m j. gillard. throw out of aal muslim in ur contry bqz thy rilegon titch make islaam populetion ++++ bqz his koran titch. throw our aal muslim his terrorist religen.

11 years ago

hah what a bunch of crap, australia isnt even your country. you came and took it from native people just like what the british did with america

11 years ago

Its just a shame no one has the ballocks
To say what most people are thinking. Its about time our politicians did.

11 years ago

Bloody hell…calm down at the back!!! Anyone would think there’s a war on!!!

11 years ago

So…er….what was the article again?..;-)

Too hot in the kitchen then Holtey?

11 years ago

FACTS prove otherwise. What Sarah Palin and Fox News report are popular because they are reporting ruth. Which is verifiable with a 15 minute fact check. The same is true for the false propaganda that MSNBC and people like yourself spew.15 minutes is all it takes to verify your lies (obama’unemployment statistics, etc., etc. etc.). Lies, deception, and false perception is at the heart of the “progrdsdive” movement and it is clear to see.

11 years ago

This is a beautiful speech, regardless of whether it is authentic or not. It’s a shame that people pussy foot around the problem. Every country should have the right to do what they need to in order to protect and preserve their own culture. For example, Muslim nations sure as heck would not take kindly to any outside influences coming into their lands and uprooting their beliefs. It’s already too late for countries like the US and UK. The UK is already a step away from granting Sharia law in parts of the country. Some London neighborhoods are controlled by gangs of derelict, violent muslims whom go out of their way to harass and persecute local citizens who are now being driven out of the neighborhoods they grew up in. Often violently. Hopefully AU can hold onto their identity and not cave in to accommodating foreign rules into their lifestyles. If people cannot respect and adapt to a nations way of life then they should stay in their own country where they are happy.

11 years ago

You said the Media is out of control .. Who controls the media ? I’ll let Joel Stein tell you,0,4676183.column

true loyal citizen
11 years ago

julia gillard is absolutely correct in her assessment of muslims, they began infiltrating all western countries including america to take over with their sharia law and force all true americans to join them and become their servants. They are not looking for freedom just to take over the world and if you have never read or researched the subject, better start learning what those peoples are all about, you will get the shock of you life,they hate all christians and white peoples in particular. Read what they do in Michigan against christians and they are allowed to get away with harming other peoples who believe differently. Its happening all over this country. Citizens please become aware before its too late for us.

11 years ago

anybody offended by this obviously should not be here

11 years ago

Is it unfair to want to live an uncomplicated life? I live in a middle sized town in the West Midlands, am a Catholic who minds their own business (my 3 children have not been christened as I want them to make up their own minds about religion)& just wants to be left alone with my beliefs. I don’t want immigrants invading this CHRISTIAN country trying to impose their belief on me. If I moved to a country that was predominantly ISLAM do you think that they would like it if I tried to impose my religion on them? No, they wouldn’t & rightly it wouldn’t happen. ENGLAND…. grow a backbone or a pair of…& tell all these religious fanatacists to…DO 1

11 years ago

Leave religion out of it for a moment – if anyone from a foreign country wants to come & live in England, which they are entitled to do & I wouldn’t have blamed them 20 years ago, because then it was a great place to live then, shouldn’t they at least speak the English language?
If I went to live anywhere, whether it be Europe or farther afield, the very least I would do is try & integrate. I live in a middle sized town in the Midlands & I am horrified by the changes I have seen in the past 20 years. There are whole areas of this place that are no go areas for indigenous people because immigrants have developed “settlements” and are totally unwilling to integrate with the rest of us – & before you call me a racist I have a filipino family living next door to me on one side & an Indian family on the other side & all our families get on really well. However, I get a real sense of unease about the “hardcore” immigrants that don’t want to integrate. I have no problems with their cultures or religious beliefs as long as they don’t try to force them on everyone else. I am Catholic but don’t try & convert people I meet or tell them they are wrong for believing something different & I wouldn’t try to change their way of thinking, just as i wouldn’t want anyone to try & change mine. Live and let live please but remember THIS IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY and hopefully always will be, if you don’t like it, find a country that supports your beliefs

11 years ago

Brian Comstock, how do you know that Allah is not the same God of Christians and Jews? Have you read the Koran? The Koran which is what the Muslims believe, talks repeatedly about Abraham and about Judaism and Christianity. About all the Jewish prophets (Moses, Aaron,Jacob, Joseph,etc) and about the Christian prophet. One of the most beautiful chapters is about Mary. Did you know that ‘Mecca’ was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs /Muslims. His younger half brother Issac is the father of the Jews. The Prophet Mohammed is a decendant of Ishmael and Abraham. To be a Muslim you have to believe in Judaism and its prophets and you have to believe in Christianity and in Jesus. The Koran is written in very beautiful classical poetical Arabic. The groups that terrorise or spread hate are ignorant, misguided and stupid enough to believe leaders that have political agendas. They do not represent the millions of Muslims who follow their book which spreads the same commandments as the Bible. When you see Muslims with long beards and funny clothes, this is more representative of culture (usually Pakistan/India). None of the muslims I know dress like that. And none of the muslims I know want to spread Sharia Law in the West. Also Sharia Law is not about cutting hands and legs as much as the old Jewish laws of eye for an eye, but I am not going to get into that here. As far as cutting heads in Saudi, this is not representative of the Koran either, if the Saudi muslim people had it their way they would not have that oppresive government. Probably not everybody in the US also believes in the death penalty either. If you want to see a Muslim country not so influenced by culture rather than religion , then look at Turkey. Also most of the Muslim immigrants you see in Europe are poor , this also says something about the way they look, dress ,how educated they are. You are welcome to make freinds with educated Muslims to have a better understanding and less fear. And just a note that terrorists are mad men, weather they are white or brown , religious or non religious. The shootings in the cinema or the school in the US was also terrorism. May i note also that white/christian Australians are not the original people of Australia,so take it easy on the newer immigrants. Same must be said about the US and Canada, apart from the Native Americans , everyone is an immigrant. I wish there would be less fear, and more interest in each other. Peace to all, weather you believe or not.

Bob Smith
11 years ago

Why do you refer to it as ‘hate-filled’. There’s no hate just logical commonsense. In a world where leftwing liberals are forever telling us how we should think and who we should accept and how we should celebrate ‘diversity’ it makes an honest, welcome change to hear a script – whether actually said or not – reflecting views that many people would like to express. Live in the UK and see how immigrants are forever making demands on how the country should adapt for their benefit. It’s sickening. Swathes of the country populated only by immigrants making no effort to integrate. One day, socialists and liberals should be made to live in the society they create. Then we would see an entirely different attitude to immigration and what we should accept.

11 years ago

The whole article appears very slanted (if not over the cliff) toward a liberalist instead of just a view. I agree whole hartedly that if a persom wants to migrate to another country, that person should conform to that culture; not the other way around

j latch
11 years ago

Just reclassify Islam as a cult……which, since it believes in killing anyone who is an infidel, it is.

Then we can treat it like communism and use treason as the reason to deport.

11 years ago

Are all of you people crazy?

This speech was not given by any Australian Prime Minister at any time!
It is a lie!
It doesn’t matter if you agree with the sentiments expressed or not,
someone else is putting their words into the mouths of prominent Australians.—–If you Google you will find the same speech attributed to former PMs Kevin Rudd & John Howard,as well as to the French PM.

If I quote you as saying something you did not,you would probably sue me,or punch me in the nose—the offence is in the lie,not the text of the lie.
He gives himself away with “Our Pledge”.
Australians only make a Pledge of Allegiance when they are immigrants being Naturalised.

Of course,the Yanks had to make it all about them,& rehash every stupid argument from the last 5 years or so.


Reply to  Professor Mike
11 years ago

Michael,I did read the whole article,& most of the comments.
I know you made it clear that it was a hoax!

It seems that all these morons either didn’t read what you said,or thought you were a big,bad,evil “Leftist” so you must surely be lying about it.

The ones who really freak me out,though,are those who don’t care that it was a lie.

Even if a person agrees with the sentiments,the fact that it has been deliberately mis-attributed,should surely make it offensive to any person with an ounce of integrity.

If they said “Julia Gillard says Santa Claus is real”,& she did not say that,it would be just as much a lie.

This exact speech has been attributed at times to both her predecessors,as well as to the French PM.

Ran Nin Soe
11 years ago

I want to say go back your country if you do not like.

Ran Nin Soe
11 years ago

Best way is you go back to your original land if you dislike what she say. For example you should look face of house onwer if you living with another family.

Please go to sodi if you wish to live with Islamic fath. You have fully democracy to leave country that you do not like. Re,ember that you are Refugee before.

Thank you

11 years ago

finally a world leader with pair of balls.

Reply to  Eran
11 years ago

That speech can NOT be attributed to Gillard. The Political party she leads supported by The Greens are far left wing Islamic sympathisers. They Have just set up off shore processing but are only sending Sri Lankans to Nauru and Manus Island and allowing the Middle Eastern muslim illegal boat arrivers to be processed in Australia. Afghani men arriving in Australia while our soldiers are over there rebuilding and protecting thier country and family left behind (and killing our soldiers acting as friendlies and shooting them when thier back is turned). These men leave behind in Afghanistan thier wife and female children to fend for themselves while they jump on flights to Indonesia and then pay tens of thousands of dollars to jump on boats to Oz discarding all identification before arriving in Australia. Australia (Sydney), like many other countries of late have had a birds eye view of the hate and violence of extremist muslims in the streets of our cities. The signs carried were highly offensive and enciteful. Things like “Our dead are in Heaven your dead are in Hell”, “Behead those who do not believe in the prophet” and “Sharia Law will prevail” to name a few. It is time for all governments to cut refugee intake from these countries until we can be assured that they are prepared to live in our countries and respect the laws, people and way of life of those countries.

Brian Comstock
Reply to  Professor Mike
11 years ago

You also make it clear in the article that you are a liar and a propagandist and are either shamelessly irrational or have a very low opinion of the reasonability of the majority of your readers…OR you are pretending to be a typical irrational leftist liberal just to discredit them…but that is not something rational people do, that is something leftist liberals do… So I doubt it, I think you are sincerely and intentionally trying to brainwash people. I mean how can one hope to maintain a shred of credibility when you equate confronting the evil and intolerance of Sharia Law as intolerant? Really? That is just outragious. You cannot possibly believe that sincerely, you must be trying to fool people. Why? That is a much more complex answer…

11 years ago

I am glad to see we in the UK are not the only ones going through this. The left brand you racist for even wanting to bring the issue up, many pray for a speech to be delivered like this one from a politicians mouth. I long for someone to say out loud if you don’t like our culture leave. In the UK people don’t want an ever expanding Islam, we have mosques popping up every where. Credit were credit is due Aussies have the balls for the job. The problem in Europe is we aren’t having enough children so these people are constantly brought in and breed at twice the rate, we will effectively be replaced in a few generations and then we will be buggered. I will be leaving university soon and would happily consider living in Oz if the Aussies will have me, they seem far more British than the British these days. I can not tolerate what people have done to the country I was brought up to love. During the last armistice to remember those that died in WW1 and WW2 extremist muslims burnt poppies and my 93 year old grandmother burst into tears watching the barbaric display. I simply can not tolerate how we are selling our culture out to accommodate these people. If they hate us so much why not move back to the crap holes they came from? one word: Benefits. An education system, healthcare and general society that works. These people want to destroy them and we can not let them!

11 years ago

I would say I agree with the speech to some extent. I understand that most Muslims are just people that have been brutally stereotyped by idiots who think that when a few people do it, it applies to the whole group. I am very glad that Pres. Obama is reaching out to the Muslim world and I understand that most Muslims just want to assimilate into their new country and culture. However the western world needs to make something clear: some things are non-negotiable. Like our culture, you can integrate into it, it’s a melting pot, but we will not change it to accommodate for a religious minority. Separation of church and state, this applies to EVERYONE and not just Muslims (yes Christians, I’m looking at you), we’ve lost enough IQ points to idiot Christian wackos who want to have prayer in public schools, I can assure you we do NOT need to lose more, this is non-negotiable. Freedom of speech is also non-negotiable. Women’s rights, non-negotiable, they are allowed to work here and you can’t beat them. This is how we roll. However if you still don’t like it here and if you still want to change our culture simply because it doesn’t sit well with you, please just get the f–k out of here. I don’t condone hate towards Muslims, but at the same time we need to protect our culture.

11 years ago

Yes,only ‘true’ writers should write,preferably leftist writers.The rest should be shut up.

11 years ago

Not much to say but it appears “Have Knowledge Must Impart”

11 years ago

Furthermore, there is no such thing as an “extremist” Muslim. There are only good Muslims and bad Muslims. Muslims who do not participate in bombings in your own country are doing so for one of two reasons: (1) they are either liars and are waiting for the opportune moment to do so, which is often the case, or (2) they are unfaithful Muslims who do not follow their religion. Anyone who has actually read the Qu’ran and the Haddith KNOWS what the Muslim is commanded to do. They are commanded to KILL Jews, Christians, and Pagans (everyone else non-Muslim). Muslims to do not do this, have no hidden agendas to do this later (point 1), and do not believe in doing this are NOT good, faithful Muslims. The so-called “extremist” Muslims are obeying what they are commanded to do. Murdering innocent people is what EVERY Muslim is commanded to do. Those who are not doing it are not good Muslims. There is NO such thing as an “extremist” Muslim. Muslims will lie through their teeth to non-Muslims about their agendas. However, if you speak to them in their own language, the truth will soon come out.

Our DNA soundly discredits the theory of evolution. Like RACECAR, which can be read forwards and backwards, our DNA reads forwards and backwards with messages, like this: WAS IT A RAT I SAW. The message forwards could be DESSERTS, but the message backwards would be STRESSED. If you change even ONE part of that message for the better, it affects the reverse message for the worse. Now, the messages in our DNA overlap each other like this: I LIKE CHOCOLATER THAT EVENING. Here, you have two statements overlapping: “I LIKE CHOCOLATE” and “LATER THAT EVENING”. However, with our DNA, entire CHAPTERS overlap each other! Again, if you change even ONE iota of that message for the better, there is a domino effect of changes for the WORSE! 99.99% of ALL mutations are LETHAL!!! .01% of a change for the better STILL results in numerous other changes for the WORSE! Evolutionary “scientists” are NOT doing the work of a scientist. They are merely theorizing, postulating, and assuming, calling that “science” even though it lacks 100% evidence to back it up.

To backup a spoonful of your DNA, you would need 1,000,000 CDs given to you EVERY minute for 9 1/2 years (5 trillion CDs)!!!

Michael John Scott is an unintelligent, ignorant fool who lacks a sane and reasoning mind. He believes in fairy tales, thinking them to be reality. Evolution is nothing more than a fairy tale and has been soundly discredited time and time again. People believe it simply because the alternative is unthinkable in their minds. They don’t like having to be held accountable to someone else. In a children’s fairy tale, you kiss the frog and it turns into a man. In a grownup’s fairy tale, you replace the element “kiss” with “time” and the frog turns into a man. 99.99% of all mutations are lethal! If you allowed even for a single mutation to occur every second, it would take TRILLIONS of years to even come close to humanity. Evolution is a religion, NOT sound science. Science is build on empirical evidence, of which evolution has NONE! Those with sane and reasoning minds believe in creationism because the historical, archeological, and scientific evidence backs it up. If you’re man enough to actually look into the information, rather than regurgitating the same old false lies that have been discredited time and time again, you’ll see what the truth is. But even in the face of the facts, you will still reject them because you don’t want to believe the truth.

Any time Michael John Scott thinks he’s man enough or intelligent enough to step into the ring and debate me on the issue of evolution, or anyone else, I will gladly knock you out in the first round. Quit blindly following and believing in poison and try paying attention to REAL science. MJS was correct in stating “Those of us with sane and reasoning minds understand poison for what it is,” but sadly he is not one of those people. Christians are. Evolutionists have swallowed that poison and continue to nurse off it like a suckling babe.

11 years ago

The God of Israelites and Christians is NOT the same god as that of the Muslims. Surah 3:3 tells us that the words of Jesus are true, once again upholding the purity of the Torah (Old Testament) and the Gospel (New Testament). The Qu’ran claims that Muhammad saw God. However, Jesus, Whose words are true, said that “No one can see God and live.” Moses never saw God. He saw the back end of God’s glory. The Qu’ran also claims that Muhammad is the greatest of prophets. However, Jesus, Whose words are true, said that “Of men born to women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist.” Why was John the greatest prophet? Because he was the forerunner who announced the coming of the Messiah—Jesus Christ.

The Qu’ran says in surahs 2:225, 16:106, and 66:2 that lying is acceptable. The Qu’ran also states that Allah is the greatest of deceivers. However, the 9th Commandment says “Thou shall not bear false witness.” In other words, Do not lie! Scripture tells us that “God cannot lie” and that “God is not a man that He should lie.” God cannot lie because it contradicts and is contrary to His character and being, which is truth, righteousness, and holiness. Lying goes against all three of these. Scripture also tells us that “Lying lips are an abomination to God” and “All liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.” Further, Jesus, Whose words are true, said that Satan is the Father of Lies. So if Allah is the greatest of deceivers, then Allah is clearly Satan.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” There is salvation in no other name apart from Jesus Christ. Jesus also said that He was God. “I and the Father are one.” Jesus also said to them, “Before Abraham was… I Am.” The term “I Am” is the same name with which God made Himself known to Moses. If Jesus never said He was God, then why did the Jews pick up stones to stone Him to death and why did they say that He committed blasphemy by equating Himself with God?

Muslims also like to lie and attempt to tell people that they worship the same God as Christians, but simply call Him a different name. Is this true? My God tells me to “Love your enemies and do good to them.” The Muslims’ god tells them to murder everybody—Jews, Christians, and pagans: smite the unbeliever (surah 47:4); fight the people of the book—Christians (surah 9:29); fight and slay pagans (surah 9:5); don’t be friends with Jews and Christians (surah 5:51); kill any man who leaves Islam (surah 4:89—so much for freedom of religion: “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him!” [surah 3:85]). Those are just a handful of the many verses that command them to do such things—and that’s not even looking at the Haddith. The ironic thing is, there are mosques around here that send out “tracts” claiming that Islam is a religion of peace and that they are for freedom of religion. We have just seen from their own book that this is a bold faced lie in light of the truth about their religion.

According to Jesus and His words of truth, Muhammad is a false prophet and Allah is a demon god. The character of Allah is everything that the character of God is not. God is truth. Allah is lies. God is merciful. Allah is murderous. God is loving. Allah is hateful. Further, Muhammad exhibited a character that is contradictory not only to the teachings of Jesus but also to a life transformed by God. Muhammad was a liar, a thief, and a murderer, raiding caravans regularly. He was an adulterer and a pedophile, having married numerous wives and consummating his marriage to his youngest wife when she was 9 years old!

Jesus, Whose words are true, said that He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” and that “No one comes to the Father” except through Him. There is only one way to salvation, and if Jesus is it, then regardless of how one feels about it or what one believes, all other religions are false and lead straight to hell and eternal damnation. If Jesus is the Truth, then all other religions are false. If Jesus is the Life, then all other religions lead to death. If Jesus is the Way, then all other religions are the wrong way. It does not matter how earnestly you believe in your religion. Truth is truth regardless of what you believe or perceive. All religions except for genuine Christianity are works-based religions—man trying to reach up to God; but genuine Christianity is grace-based—God reaching down to man. There is nothing you can do to merit or earn forgiveness and salvation. It is a free gift offered through Jesus Christ. Reject that gift and you can work until you are blue in the face and you will never earn your place in heaven. You will only increase the wrath stored up for you until the day of judgment. If you do not have Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, then your religion and what you believe are damning lies. When Jesus returns, He will judge the world in truth and in righteousness and all those who have rejected the truth in favour of the lies will be cast into eternal damnation. Is your eternity worth that risk?

11 years ago

GO JULIA! I agree with that, if your going to immigrate to another country then you better accept that countries culture. When I went to dubai even though i wasnt muslim I had to fast and cover myself up on religious holidays, and yet muslims will not acccept other peoples beliefs and cultures, thats not fair. If your not in a muslim country then shut up and back off. You do what you do but dont force your ideas on other people. I hate it when others bitch about dumb shit like this and I really dont like religion. Here in Canada in one of the schools, they made an annoucnment asking students to stop sayihng merry christmas! Cany ou belive that shit! Ill say merry christmas if I damn well please!

11 years ago

Hysterical. Sarah Palin and Fox News must be the devil. Nevermind NBC.CBS, and ABC are left wing propaganda for the left. They can’t even tell the truth. Wasn’t it MSNBC who put out a Romney story a couple of weeks ago that was so misrepresented that they got called on the carpet for it? This article is hysterical.

11 years ago

[…] and a Scotsman walk into a bar. Except the other week I got a doosey.  You’ve probably seen it, the one that comes from the Australian Prime Minister herself stating that, and I quote, “we speak mainly ENGLISH, not Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, […]

11 years ago

[…] and a Scotsman walk into a bar. Except the other week I got a doosey.  You’ve probably seen it, the one that comes from the Australian Prime Minister herself stating that, and I quote, “we speak mainly ENGLISH, not Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, […]

11 years ago

Listen up….

Muslims, don’t come into my territory and start putting together your communities with your inhumane laws, and secretly supporting “the cause” to do away with Israel. Stop strapping bombs to yourselves and blowing things up and then attempt justification thru the koran for your actions.

Christians, stop being so “high and mighty” and quoting the bible every chance you get. I could run circles around you with these stupid quotes and commandments that get twisted by you everyday!

If Christ were here today, he would bow his head in shame over the way you have learned how to twish his words into a control mechanism to run people.

Muslims, I say keep your problems in your own place. If you don’t like our ways in the Western countries, stay out.

We are de-evolving becauser of religion. Can’t we all just set religion aside and have morals toward one another without having to pull out a book?

I know when I have done someone wrong, it don’t take a book or manual to tell me, I can tell by the loon on their face if I have done them wrong…. Why can’t we all live like that and base our laws on honesty and fairness, rather than quote some pages from a storybook book to prove our point.

Reply to  Rahbil
10 years ago

Well said….

11 years ago

Okay, so I hear people complaining and saying Aussies are racist and unaccepting. Well, I lived in australia, I’ve lived around several cultures and in communities with many beliefs.

You want to see racism and unacceptance, got to a Middle Eastern Muslim country. Women are forced to be dressed in garb, and have less rights than a dog. I don’t lean towards religion, but I must say, I don’t want such a suppressive group of people infilterating my country. We fought to get women’s rights in the states for years. i don’t want some cavemen coming into my country asking for their freedom to practise their beliefs.
i agree with Julia. I have NEVER seen a Muslim step up to the plate and claim that they are a fair and peaceful organization.

J Dunkin
11 years ago

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob most certainly is not Allah. They are the antithesis of each other. On the one hand, you have the true God of Israel, who requires the testimony of two or more for any truth to be held with credibility.

On the other hand, you have in Islam testimony which contradicts the truth of the one true God. And all of that testimony comes from one man.

One testimony promotes forgiveness and invites anyone to be followers. The other demands followers and calls for those in that belief system to kill those who fail to comply.

Not all monotheistic views are equal. Yahweh is most certainly not Allah. And the believers in either don’t recognize any commonality.

Dr Dipak Naskar
11 years ago

Australia is suitable for Australian and credit goes to Prime Minister Julia Gillard.i respect her way of thinking

11 years ago

the issue in this article, whether this is a hoax or truth, is not only about race or religion– but respect for one’s culture and tradition irregardless of who we are and where we come from, especially if you are the one entering the zone beyond your owm. The battle with race and religion will never end as long as the earth stands, in the same way as the call for respect continues to echo.

Anthony Ford
12 years ago

I guess Vince’s example must have left Holte speechless. Yep, that evil Fox News. They sure are worse than anything else on the planet. I did like this primer on progressive hate done by Malkin though:

12 years ago

Scam or not, this is exactly what everyone here is thinking that believes in our country, way too many outsider have been let in who do no wish to assimilate, dont bother to learn our language, and bitch all day how shit it is here. Windows and shops are plastered with chineese, korean etc letter which ordinary people who were born here dont understand, its an english speaking writing country so adapt to it of fuck off. in last ten years gang activities have been escalating and 80 percent of them are non australian background related, lebanese, vietnamese, chinese, african n islander being the majority. you can leave you car unattended anymore with windows down, you have to triple lock your front door because even that stands no chance when they want to pinch your tv and pc, your car alarms dont do anything, and the legislation still doesnt recognise this as problem. if shed made a speech like this i think majority or real australians would vote for her in the upcoming elections because were sick of all the shit thats been let into our country. Dont get me wrong there are those that do the right thing and a lot of them are my friends but the rest should b put on the boat and shipped back where they cam from, or sank half way…wouldnt matter.

Reply to  MadMike
12 years ago

Nice one Mike, you guys just picked up a few more Asians lol, the boat was on it way here but they decided to stay there, they shud have sunk the boat. We might only 4 million over but we to do not need to add to the problems, but Like I said in a previous comment I’d still marry her lol.

Reply to  MadMike
12 years ago

Mike, I love your comment and i agree with you 100%, I only wish our leader would learn from you.

Reply to  MadMike
11 years ago

Cheers, good on ya! Ship the blokes back, sit in your front yard and have a smoke and…. Bob’s your Uncle!

Reply to  MadMike
11 years ago

Mad Mike, Sadly Gillard did not make this speech..originally made by previous PM John Howard and then parroted to an extent by K. Rudd. Gillard is throwing open the doors because she is beholden to the Greens (to keep her as PM) who want an open door policy for illegal refugees (predominately muslim)arriving in boats via Indonesia and currently using our Navy as a Taxi Service on the seas by phoning the ABC, journalists or the navy direct to be picked up most times while still in Indonesian waters (courtesy of Gillard and her lack of Border Protection they get picked up and taken to Christmas Island and then flown into and released into Australian population unprocessed or part processed) plus they are destroying all identification before leaving Indo so that Australian authorities have a difficult time checking thier credentials. The Greens want to send planes to Indonesia and Malaysia to fly them in (illegally). This speech was definatley not made by our current Prime Minister Gillard…she is less than useless. Time for an election in Australia to boot out this PM Gillard a member of the Fabian Communist Society.

Natanahira Pona
12 years ago

I’m from the great white cloud next door, If she wasn’t married or I wasn’t married I’d ask her to marry me lol. If she did say that comment, good on her I say, how dare someone elses come into your home and tell you what to and how you shud behave, after you invited them in but…..she shud right the wrong with the locals before going any further. The middle east is in termoile wars over who’s tribe is the best, Oil, Drugs all the other counties should just sit out and let them blow themselves up, look after your own house hold before telling someone else what to do. Spain has no work, Euro, is in major money trouble which is easy to fix disband the euro dollar, yes its that easy.

I lived in sydney for a few years and loved it, got well with the locals, never had any troubles adjusted realy well, the laws where not that hard and had work all the time, payed my taxes understood what the green card was all about picked, a few qualifacations.

12 years ago

[…] Anthony Federico got fired and blazed for his chink remark. Why? Because it is wrong. Like what PM Julia Gillard said to the Muslims and other Immigrants in Aussie: “Live with our beliefs or get […]

12 years ago

I have colleagues that work overseas in Saudi Arabia and are required to live in American residential “camps” because they are not permitted to live among Saudis. You can be arrested for drinking alcohol in public. Like it or not, the Arab world does NOT tolerate us or our culture. Someone below want to explain why we should tolerate or accept Islamic Sharia Law in America? Hoax or not…I agree with the sentiment.

12 years ago

Whether a hoax or not, it is what should be said. “When in Rome do as the Romans.” Which is simply adapt or leave.

12 years ago

Julia Gilard shouldnt be in charge of the country! She is a spastic ranga that needs to be burnt at the stake!

Reply to  Rachid01
12 years ago

Right – you sound just like one of the people this article is the subject of.
Stay classy though – the world wouldn’t be the same without you…

12 years ago

Try ∧ spread democracy/ Christianity in a Muslim country & see how far you`d get!!!!Muslims are LUCKY we`re tolerant…They should practice it!!! YOU change or GET OUT….at least my country/Gov` gives you a choice…You all know that you are a dogs breakfast ∧ your religion is based on fear & and; hate,destruction…Shame on you all & u say “your God fearing”….Dream on.Your all so uneducated that all you know is the sword…your past PROVES this..when was the last time you did a charitable act outside of Islam…WHEN..!!??

nathalie paynot
12 years ago

I’ve just received this message…in French and I’m appalled. I’ll use the hoax with my students to teach them to always check the source…such hatred…and the comments afterwards just prove that religion leads to violence because they all try to impose their views on others. Thank myself for being an atheist.

12 years ago

In conclusion there is nothing for it. Those of us with sane and reasoning minds understand poison for what it is. However, we live in a country where over 40% think creationism, not evolution, is responsible for life on earth. So much for those with sane and reasoning minds.

and i hope the other 60% believe in both..and if you with your reasoning mind think the speech is poison then i would have the sane part looked at..

as you can see from the vast majority of comments in favour of the speech, that it will be a great day for christanity when someone has the balls to stand and make such comments..
so its the people with the so called sane and reasoning minds that are to blame for the state of the world today hmmmmmmmm.

Annie Whitcomb
12 years ago

Too bad she didn’t say it, because it sure needs saying!

12 years ago


And just what “beliefs” would those be? Australia’s, or like the Fascist States of America, Israel’s?

12 years ago

The biggest Lies are coming from the Leftist Ilk… like the Communist Hyena that wrote the above pack of Lies…That speach WAS made by the FORMER Prime Minister of Australia..And all the rest of whats written above contains Lie after Lie…Fox News is as Liberal as nearly ALL the News outlets..MSNBC being The Most Left-Wing .

12 years ago

Whether the Aussie PM said this or not, it’s a great speech!

The real hate mongers are the Islamic barbarians, who wrap their heads in diapers, their women in burqas and their children in bombs. Politically correct morons want everyone (Whites, Christians, and westerners) to walk on eggshells around these goons. They only thing these people have understood throughout history is violence, brute force and the desire of their opponents to use it against them.

Let all the liberal cranks who sympathize with Muslim thugs go to that despicable part of the world and try teaching them about tolerance to queer marriage. It would be hilarious to watch both sides go at each other, kind of like putting a red ant into a black ant nest. And the rest of us would be a lot better off without either nutty side.

12 years ago

[…] too sure if MadMike is to be believed either. Aussie Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Muslims: Live with our beliefs or get out | MadMikesAmerica { […]

afiq aziz
12 years ago

I’m a muslim and I do think what she said was right. I agree about the shariaa law. I think its inappropriate for them to practice it there at Australia. I think its stupid. If they didnt like the australian rules then they should not even migrated there at the first place. About the spying thing on a mosque, that is probably a little too much. But then again, if you dont like it, you could always leave the country.

12 years ago

That’s the best thing I’ve heard in years. If you want to live in a country you should be prepared to joint its culture. We do have a rich heritage that so many Australians fought to protect. We should be free in our own country. I love the statement we are making as Australians.

12 years ago

Madness, all the actions of Muslim extremists are excused because of hatred of Republican politicians? This is what caused the slaughter in Ruwanda, blind hatred. This is what caused the Nanking Massacre, this is how people can defend atrocities. Your hatred of FOX, Sarah Palin, and any other American group with differing political beliefs is not an excuse for the constant murdering by Islamist believers. The world is at war with this foolishness. And the murder by liberals on conservatives is excused in the same insane way. But if just one Christian or conservative does anything wrong all of a sudden your hatred shows its fangs. You judge them with a different set of rules. Madness. Absolute madness.

12 years ago

[…] er, at der ikke en nanopartikel sandhed i dette. Julian Gillard har aldrig udtalt disse ord. Hverken på engelsk eller dansk eller […]

12 years ago

Woah this weblog is wonderful i love reading your posts. Stay up the great work! You realize, a lot of people are hunting round for this information, you can aid them greatly.

12 years ago

If the Australian PM didn’t give this speech, she should have. And it should be the mantra of the US. The reporter chastizing the PM did a significant amount of mud slinging and untruths in his own critique. How typical of liberal lunatics. The PM speech was a work of art and what is being suffocated by a PC world. Dump the PC stuff, I want the US to stand up for everyone’s rights, not the rights of a small group that tries to sanitize and therefore destroy what this country was founded for. Freedom. If you don’t like the way the Constitution and founding fathers set up this country, get out and go find a country to suits your narrow mind.

Reply to  PK
11 years ago


12 years ago

I hate the bastards and hope they all go home before we are forced to have a 3rd world war.

12 years ago

If only a single world leader had the courage to stand up and speak wothout worrying about voters.
I dont know if she did say the above..
But If she did she has more courage and leadership than all of the other whimps who rule this planet. with very few exceptions.

Colin Merseyside England
12 years ago

Even if it was not what she said I’m sure it’s what a lot of people think in this country I know I do.

Donald Sheldon
12 years ago

“In God We Trust” is principal. It can never be either lost or destroyed any more than the principal of leverage or gravity can be. Another way of expressing this concept is to say “In Good We Trust” and/or “It is done unto you as you believe”.

Reply to  Professor Mike
12 years ago

It will fail you. God will not. As long as you have breath it is not too late to really make the “right call”. If I am wrong in my belief then in the end I am simply a fool in your eyes. No harm no foul. I just cease to exist or not have any concious thought. But if I am on the right track with my beliefs then the stakes are higher with an eternity of torment if Jesus Christ (God)is rejected. He desires that no one perish but will not make you love Him.

12 years ago

Democracy missed a main point both in US and UK that it is established in Christian beleif as the foundation which respects all for who they are and that does not mean that they can question the foundation itslef like “In God we trust” . That is what is happening in US and UK. The muslims and ethiests are demanding that the founding principles be removed. US and UK will pay a high price for it. I hope Australia will understand it and defend its foundations. Democracy without God in it becomes empty inside. Once US thorugh out the vision of funding fathers there is no juice left in the core of US democracy. That is the begining of the end of democracy. The content in the mail are good and provides a clear message to immigrants. It must be said not only by PM but by all leaders in Australia.

12 years ago

Religion is mostly about whose god has the bigger dick. Was, is, and always will be. Thank goodness Julia Gillard is a realist, freethinker, atheist.

Brian Comstock
Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

Calling atheism, “free thinking” is like believing you are free because you chose to be a slave… Believing the universe came from nothing, by nothing for no reason, is precisely as magical as any “thinking” can get. It is the very definition of magic. If Atheists were remotely capable of free thought, they would not constantly thump their gross misinterpetations of the Bible as their excuse for hating God and thus their denial of the existence of an eternal edifice of truth. All they care about is validating their own prerogatives. There is a reason most atheists show a decidedly Luciferian bent to their reasoning…

12 years ago

Why has almost all immigration in the last decade been from Muslim countries? if you see nothing sinister about it you need to remove your heads out the sand. I have no problem with Hindus, Sikhs but mass immigration of Muslims will lead to a bloody future for all.

12 years ago

Muslims have already ruined Europe don’t let them ruin Australia! Britain sends millions to Pakistan in aid, in return these immigrants rape and kill our young. 1/4 of rapes are committed by south asians nearly all are Pakistanis. The left dominated media have been covering up these crimes they are so biased it’s sickening. Simply put left wingers of todays are cowards who are frightened of Muslims so they bend over backwards to appease them. How do they live with themselves?

12 years ago

She didn’t say that. She is an appeaser of Islam and rarely says no to them.

12 years ago

Who cares if she said it or not whoever said it is right in saying it. I agree 100 percent! I only hope america will say the same and back it up!!!!

12 years ago

Whether the speech is a hoax or not, I agree with everything in it. Until the islamic world proves me wrong, all muslims will be suspect. I have no reason to believe otherwise and have seen very, very little condemnation from their “leadership” that would sway me to do so. On the other hand, this entire tirade may have just been a vehicle with which to bash Fox News, Sarah Palin, or anyone else that falls under that “ilk”, as it were. Lots of people in the world need to grow up….just as many need a reality check for something greater then themselves….

W. T. Ervin
12 years ago

Hooray for Julia. If only our represenatives would adhere too her beliefs.

12 years ago

A very interesting comment. Julia is obviously living with beliefs of the native Australians.

More bullshit of my “civilised” ways are better than yours. Most caucasions in Australia should remember that Australia was a British prison colony most of your are direct decendents of thieves, murderers and rapists and you refer to yourselves as civilised. scum

Brian Comstock
Reply to  SB
11 years ago

wow. o_O That is some staggering stupidity and bigotry right there… Thanks for being such a good example for your ilk…

12 years ago

It is a hoax you idiots. Do some research

12 years ago

… so tell me, what would be WRONG if some world leader made these statements? what is WRONG with acknowledging that much of Sharia law is incompatible with civilized, democratic, free societies? if people wish to live according to Sharia law, there are places in the world that welcome it.

12 years ago

There is no other book as hateful as the Talmud. Look at the Zionists and their hateful allies who will not give the Palestinians their freedom. Please support Jewish Voice for Peace.

Reply to  Ari
12 years ago

Never been a nation of Palestine. If so tell us what was their national currency, flag, form of government, culture, song, motto, anything that denotes a bonified nation. A conveniently made up people to antagonize Israel.

12 years ago

When i read this speech supposedly by Julia Gillard,I thought, I have heard this before spoken by former Australian PM Kevin Rudd a year or so ago.

Is it just a copy of what Kevin Rudd spoke and now being proported to have been spoken also by Julia Gillard?

12 years ago

At the end of the day while we toss and turn, they are reproducing like rabbits, 8 Vs 1.6 .
We are doomed.

12 years ago

“However, we live in a country where over 40% think creationism, not evolution, is responsible for life on earth. So much for those with sane and reasoning minds.”

So do you believe our founders were insane for basing our nation on the fact that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights?

12 years ago

QURAN 4:97

Those whose lives are terminated by the angels, while in a state of wronging their souls, the angels will ask them, “What was the matter with you?” They will say, “We were oppressed on earth.” They will say, “Was GOD’s earth not spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?”

12 years ago

Could you please clarify what it is about the Prime Minister’s comments that are not acceptable?

Steven Halagich
13 years ago

To all the haters out there
here we have a very open and caring Leader, its through misinformed staements about cultures that lead people to hate each other
i am not Muslim
but i will not hate just to hate
Julia is an amazing woman that cares for all Australian’s
the above statement was originally put forward by the Liberal party of Australia (they are conservative )
they are inept liars that have no solution’s only scaremongering
Until you know the facts may i suggest that you do not comment on things that are wholly untrue and against everything the Labour Party of Australia stand for .
I am not saying “do not express your belief’s , what i am saying is if you have no clue shut up or look like a fool .
So say what you like but ensure that is your opinion DO NOT BE A PAROT YOU HAVE A BRAIN

Steven Halagich
13 years ago

She never said anything like it get your facts right before defaming someone !!!!!!!

Jose mosalez
13 years ago

Germany was a social democracy also, and elected Hitler. So much for that ideology. Moving on to Thomas Jefferson, first pres. to combat Muslim pirates.

bill dunn
13 years ago

I wish our president had the b.lls to say what the austrailian prime minister didn’t say!!!!!!!!

Reply to  bill dunn
13 years ago

No idea who she is but I’m in love!!!!!

13 years ago

Frankly, I wish she had made this speech, and I wish our leaders here in America would make this speech. How refreshing that would be.

The Truth
13 years ago

If this is not true, it should be. I wish to GOD we in the US had a leader with this kind of COURAGE.

The Great Johnny
13 years ago

Holte, you’ve got to do better than that. The bulk of your comment after the “hoax speech” have nothing to do with the sentiments expressed within it. If you have a problem with it, then explain in specifics what it is instead of ranting about some vague “hate groups” spreading lies. Are you suggesting that some right wing hate group wrote this speech and attributed it to the Prime Minister of Australia? Specifically, which hate group would that be? Where is your proof? Furthermore, you then attack Palin, Fox News and in general, people with religious beliefs even though they had nothing to do with the content of the article. Then in another comment you imply that Glen Beck wanted Michael Moore killed. Who is spreading hate and lies here? I think it is you Holte and people of your “ilk”. BTW, how does it feel to see that most of the readers of this article actually support the content of this so called hateful “hoax speech”?

Polk Salad Annie
Reply to  The Great Johnny
13 years ago

Before you launch into a nonsensical rant directed at Holte, take the time to find out who wrote it. I’m pretty sure he stands by everything he said, every word, including all mention of the fools at Fox.

Third, if you think he’s going to write a research paper so as to answer your questions you are mistaken. This is a blog post not a journal article. You do the leg work.

Finally, that being said, I suggest you travel and remember what peace there may be in silence before I forget, thanks for your less than inspiring comments. They bored me to tears but at least they irritated me enough to say something.

Polk Antagonist
Reply to  Polk Salad Annie
13 years ago

So Polk – Fox is full of fools and all those who support the views of Fox are fools as well. I suppose you believe your comments to be insightful and intelligent? You are just like every other liberal who like to make statements of fact and not support them. Now you are justifying not supporting facts and suggest that others go do the research for you. I like that approach. Let me get this straight – I can make an outlandish statement, call it fact, and it’s not my responsibility to back up the statement. I could try that and be a good liberal, but I have a conscience and don’t want to be perceived as a liar and call people names.

The Great Johnny
13 years ago

Actually, the sentiments expressed in this fake speech are quite good. People normally immigrate to another nation because of the freedoms and opportunities which are there. If a person of the Muslim or any other faith learns to adapt to their new home’s culture, then that is a great thing. The immigrant should embrace the new culture and be thankful to be accepted and included within that society. However, if they attempt to change the culture or force their beliefs upon people in their new home, that is wrong and they have no place in that society. Every day, nations such as Australia and the USA graciously accept a diverse group of people wishing to immigrate. If they wish to be fully accepted, immigrants should be thankful for the opportunity and be willing to adapt to the culture of the host nation, including the traditions and main language spoken there. If a nation is being attacked by a certain group or individuals within their society then that nation has a right to watch them very closely and be vigilant regarding the prevention of future attacks. To not do so would be self destructive and even suicidal.

13 years ago

Hoax or not the statements made in the supposed speech are indeed the views shared by many Americans. The “left” in America are the ones inciting revolution and rage. The “left” believes that tradition (like the Constitution) has no place. Many Christians feel as though, all other religious views are being pushed to the front of the line. Christians are being forced the back seat. Christians are being painted as mean nasty people. This is the way our politically correct social justice government and media are treating Christians in America. If you are not a Christian, you can’t appreciate how we feel. Christians have always accepted and tolerated other religious beliefs. We don’t ridicule, belittle, or discriminate against other religions. On the same token if you continue to smack us down, ridicule, belittle, and discriminate against us, we will push back (that’s the message of the hoax speech). News flash – we are not bunch of pacifists. So if you are offended that we are not stepping down and/or stepping aside, then the point of the message is spot on “Get Out” or the unspoken words of the speech would read – prepare for a stand…..

13 years ago

Westerners need only point to the “Keeper of the [Islamic] Holy Places” itself the poster child for religious intolerance, Saudi Arabia, as an example of a country that takes a love it or leave it, or lose your limbs or head, approach to citizenship.

13 years ago

I suggest that Western powers adopt a requirement for new immigrants to sign a pledge to uphold their constitutions, subject to revocation of citizenship, should they refuse to do so. If they cannot comport with the underlying principles of the nation they migrate to, they’ve entered under false pretenses and committed fraud.

13 years ago

Whoever wrote this should get the fuck out of America.

Brian Comstock
13 years ago

This article is spreading hate and lies by suggesting the speech is hateful (when it is actually standing up against hate and intolerance) and not at all alluding to it being a hoax until much further into the article then unbelievably blames Sarah Palin for others wanting to put false and hateful words into peoples mouths. I love how these propagandists try to turn things around, even when they dont exist. I will never understand how left wing liberals can defend Sharia Law. It is patently absurd. And to any reasonable person, MSNBC is far more vitriolic than FOX, FOX at least has fair balanced perspectives and allows open debate even if the moderators tend to be conservative. probably why MSNBC’s ratings are in the toilet and FOX’s are soaring. To suggest FOX is spewing hate and incouraging violence is hate filled rhetoric itself, and trying to spin it as anything else is not going to fool any thinking person.

Reply to  Brian Comstock
13 years ago

Not only that, Fox permits expression of opinion diametrically opposed to their general principles, without personal attack. We cannot say that about the others.

13 years ago

Sorry guys, she never said it. I wish she had, it’s been attributed to her, but she never made this speech. It’s a fake speech that went viral.

13 years ago

There was NOTHING hateful about this weather she said it or not. I am an American in America and will not tolerate losing our freedoms just to appease another culture, especially one with delusional dreams of converting the world to their religion by force !!! YOU GO JULIA (Thumbs up !!!)

13 years ago


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