How an Old Brady Bunch Episode Becomes Anti-Vaxxer Theme

Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia Brady on The Brady Bunch, thinks people should get their information on measles from medical professionals in 2019.

Franklin Graham: America’s Number One Hypocrite

Thank you for taking all morality out of the biblical message. Thank you for showing the entire world how hypocritical a man you are.

It’s All For the Glory of the Empire

Good things happen to bad people. Maybe Satan is more inclined to take care of his devotees than God is. Or Satan is just a loyalist like Trump.

While Conservatives Blame Obama This Is Happening

Authorities located the threats posed by Hasson as they were executing a search warrant for opioid purchases made by him via the internet.

Donald Trump, Twitter, and Transparency

This week, God-Emperor Shitgibbon summoned Twitter CEO and spineless jellyfish Jack Dorsey to bend the knee, and plant his lips on the royal butt-cheek.

Is the Only Good Terrorist a Dead Terrorist?

Should a country’s security services have ‘shoot to kill’ policies regarding terrorists? The natural instinct of many will be to say “Yes.”

A Word On ‘Hack My Life’

Hack my life, is the title of the TV show appearing on my screen just now and the title conjures up a gruesome image, at least in anyone much over 50.

Is Trump Guilty Of A Crime?

Now, look. I’m British ok? I have spent my entire life living in England. Right now, over here in Blighty, we have a few quite serious problems.

How the Most Advanced Civilization Came Apart

There’s been an outbreak of Hepatitis A in my area. The papers say 19 cases so far in a county of about 130,000 people. Three people  have died so far.

How To Tell the Truth As You Lie

Carrying on from a recent contribution regarding strange ‘sayings’ that people use instead of actually saying what they mean.

The Madness That Is Football Racism

Having been accused of racism on occasion, writing about ‘the madness of racism’ may, to those who hold that opinion, seem slightly peculiar.

Court Bans Parking Enforcement Practice in 4 States

Marking a tire with chalk to track how long a car has been parked is unconstitutional, ruling that could force cities to adopt new approaches.

Puppy Left to Die by Side of Road Has Happy Homecoming

Cedar is home again, much bigger and on the mend. The German shepherd disappeared two years ago from the backyard of her home in Southwest Ranches, Fla.

Is the Liberal Left the Far Right’s Best Friend?

Those I would describe as ‘sensible’ in their political views tend to be centrists, a little left of center or a little right of center.