Saudi Arabia Sentences Woman To Prison For Pushing the Right To Drive

Trump has basically given Saudi Arabia a blank check to do anything they want to anyone for any reason and they do just that.

Warren Needs To Be Reminded Trump, Not Bloomberg, Is the Enemy

Elizabeth Warren needs to concentrate on beating Donald Trump, not beating up Michael Bloomberg. Trump is the enemy after all!

Britain Talks About Menopause

I knew about menopause. I suppose we all know about menopause don’t we? It affects both men and women but, is particularly bad for women.

A Quick Word About ‘Creepy’ Joe Biden

In the 1983 film, D.C. CAB, comedian Paul Rodriguez had a tagline that still resonates today- “It’s tough to be a man, baby!”

Doctor Who Begs the Question “Who Is That Girl?”

Well. It happened: Doctor Who finally returned to our screens and, for the first time, the character is a woman. Actress Jodie Whittaker to be precise.

Idiotic GOP Senator Insists Women’s Rights Should Depend On Where They Live

Wisconsin’s stupid senator, Ron Johnson, firmly believes whatever his special interest dark money masters tell him to believe.

It’s Tough to be a Man in the Age of #MeToo, Baby!

At one point, this cute girl I know walked past my desk and like an idiot, I thought it would be funny to slap her in the ass as she passed me by.

On Relationships: It’s A Question of Settling

I usually don’t make a habit of writing about relationships but this commentary has been burning in me so I thought this might be a good time.

Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller, to Be Cut From Texas History Curriculum

The Texas BOE says it’s trying to “streamline” the curriculum in its public schools, and it plans on doing so by getting rid of two big names.

Analyst: GOP Hemorrhaging Members Bigger Story Than Dem Takeover

Cable news outlets have been glued to the horserace of House seats that might flip from Republican to Democrat in November. Cable news outlets have

Women Suing Over “Horrifying” Airport Searches

The 34-year-old was returning from Jamaica in 2016 when Customs and Border Patrol officers allegedly squeezed her breasts and penetrated her vagina.